Susan Mogul. "What becomes a Legend most?"
Saturday Art Walk

Zachęta – Narodowa Galeria Sztuki
admission with a ticket

“What becomes a Legend most” features nearly twenty works selected from Susan Mogul’s versatile and complex oeuvre. They touch on important issues such as the position of women, social changes in customs, family ties and the artist’s relationship with her mother. The main theme of Mogul’s art is memory in autobiographical dimension, with a particular focus on the feminist perspective. The artist draws on the language of advertising, film and the mechanisms of wider promotion, which in the visual arts does not necessarily translate arts into commercial success and presence in the cultural canon.

In the series of photographs What becomes a Legend most? featuring the artist, complemented by texts in Polish, English and Yiddish: Susan Mogul, the septuagenarian, anticipates her first solo museum exhibition Mogul reflects on the question of age, the recognition of women’s achievements, but also the use of their image for commercial purposes. With an even more performative and narrative dimension are the paper shopping bags (2019) and the works that are part of the Tales from the Mogul Archive series (2022). These are intimate statements by the author, combining images and text in carefully composed arrangements, showing the complex relationship between life and art.

guide: Sara Herczyńska

Wydarzenie towarzyszące wystawie
  • 05.08 – 30.10.2022
    Susan Mogul
    Czy tak tworzy się legenda?

    Wystawa indywidualna Susan Mogul w Zachęcie — Narodowej Galerii Sztuki obejmie realizacje wideo z lat 70. oraz jej najnowsze filmy, obiekty i prace na papierze. Dotykają one ważnych kwestii, takich jak pozycja kobiet, społeczne przemiany obyczajowe, więzy rodzinne czy relacje artystki z matką. Głównym tematem pracy Mogul jest pamięć w ujęciu autobiograficznym, ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem perspektywy feministycznej.

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