The Travellers

14.05 – 21.08.2016 The Travellers

Zachęta – National Gallery of Art

curator: Magdalena Moskalewicz
collaboration on the part of Zachęta: Magdalena Komornicka

The exhibition looks at travel in a region where freedom to travel was, until recently, a luxury available only to the very few. The revolution of 1989 and the subsequent opening to the world and globalisation processes allowed citizens of the former Eastern Bloc personal mobility on an unprecedented scale. Participation in international exchanges contributed to the region’s identity today as much as the new political and economic order. For two successive decades, capitalism and globalisation carried us farther, faster, and surer, until we got used to thinking in terms of progress with only one direction — forward! Today, we see how that moment was as pivotal for modern European history as it was exceptional. Europe’s response to foreign refugees shows that our participation in the global exchange was, and is, predominantly one-way. We do not willingly share the privileges that we gained after the fall of the Berlin Wall and as a consequence of our EU accession. We are enthusiastic about going abroad, but far less so about welcoming foreigners.

The works presented in the show tell the stories of holiday trips as well as distant journeys and migrations. They focus on a period from the mid-20th century until today, from the closed borders of the divided Cold War-era Europe to the capitalism-driven acceleration of the 21st century’s first decades. They offer a reflection by contemporary artists hailing from the region — the former Eastern Bloc countries, the former Soviet Union and former Yugoslavia — often first and second generation migrants, on the last few decades in the history of Central and Eastern Europe.

Twenty-three artists from fifteen countries show how people, goods, and ideas flow between our part of Europe and other regions of the world. They tell us about Cold War-era tourists dreaming about exotic trips at a time when the freedom to travel was synonymous with political freedom. About travellers, who, on distant voyages, discover the forgotten history of abandoned places. About historical and contemporary migrants, their identity formed at an intersection of languages and cultures. But also about the objects these travellers take with them. About pictures that are to remind them of home and which become a source of knowledge about the world for others. About products that in distant countries turn into ambassadors of their culture. About artworks whose circulation beyond their place of origin lays a foundation for building canons. The artists present various means of transportation, such as ships, trains or buses, as well as visas or permits, that facilitate or limit their personal mobility. Discovering the enriching value of travel, they also shed light on the tensions arising inevitably between the poetics of the experience itself and the political situation that condition it.

Most of us know the familiarity of one home and one culture only. A traveller takes advantage of multiple viewpoints. That complex perspective not only allows us to recognize and embrace the value of other places and nations, but also to see ourselves as foreigners. By looking at the experience of voyage and migration in the art of Central and Eastern Europe, The Travellers shed light on the contemporary identity of the region.

The Travellers_press materials (pdf)

atists: Adéla Babanová, Daniel Baker, Olga Chernysheva, Wojciech Gilewicz, Pravdoliub Ivanov, C.T. Jasper & Joanna Malinowska, Irina Korina, Taus Makhacheva, Porter McCray, Alban Muja, Ilona Németh & Jonathan Ravasz, Roman Ondak, Tímea Anita Oravecz, Adrian Paci, Vesna Pavlović, Dushko Petrovich, Janek Simon, Radek Szlaga & Honza Zamojski, Maja Vukoje, Sislej Xhafa 

Works on exhibition

  • Zdjęcie pracy Adéla Babanová, Return to Adriaport, 2013, video still, courtesy of the artist and PRAGOPROJEKT, a.s.
    Adéla Babanová, Return to Adriaport, 2013, video still, courtesy of the artist and PRAGOPROJEKT, a.s.
  • Zdjęcie pracy Adrian Paci, The Column, 2013, video still, courtesy of the artist and Kaufmann Repetto gallery, Milan/New York
    Adrian Paci, The Column, 2013, video still, courtesy of the artist and Kaufmann Repetto gallery, Milan/New York
  • Zdjęcie pracy Vesna Pavlović, Phototheque, 2013/2016 (detail), from the series: Fabric of Socialism, courtesy of Museum of Yugoslav History, Belgrade
    Vesna Pavlović, Phototheque, 2013/2016 (detail), from the series: Fabric of Socialism, courtesy of Museum of Yugoslav History, Belgrade
  • Zdjęcie pracy Wojciech Gilewicz, Painter’s Painting, 2015, film still, courtesy of the artist
    Wojciech Gilewicz, Painter’s Painting, 2015, film still, courtesy of the artist
  • Zdjęcie pracy Maja Vukoje, 1 Kölner, 2015, acrylic, sugar, coffee on burlap, photo by Roland Krauss, courtesy of the artist and Galerie Martin Janda, Vienna
    Maja Vukoje, 1 Kölner, 2015, acrylic, sugar, coffee on burlap, photo by Roland Krauss, courtesy of the artist and Galerie Martin Janda, Vienna
  • Zdjęcie pracy Alban Muja, Berati, from series "My Name Their City", 2012, digital print, courtesy of the artist
    Alban Muja, Berati, from series "My Name Their City", 2012, digital print, courtesy of the artist
  • Zdjęcie pracy Sislej Xhafa, Sunshade, 2011, courtesy of the artist and Galleria Continua San Gimignano / Beijing / Les Moulins / Havana
    Sislej Xhafa, Sunshade, 2011, courtesy of the artist and Galleria Continua San Gimignano / Beijing / Les Moulins / Havana
  • Zdjęcie pracy Taus Makhacheva, Gamsutl, 2012, video still, courtesy of the artist
    Taus Makhacheva, Gamsutl, 2012, video still, courtesy of the artist
  • Zdjęcie pracy Olga Chernysheva, The Train, 2003, video still, courtesy of the artist
    Olga Chernysheva, The Train, 2003, video still, courtesy of the artist
  • Zdjęcie pracy Halka/Haiti 18°48′05′′N 72°23′01′′W
    Halka/Haiti 18°48′05′′N 72°23′01′′WC.T. Jasper, Joanna Malinowska2015
  • Zdjęcie pracy Porter McCray, 15 Polish Painters, 1961", 2016, performative lecture, paintings, photographs abd ephemera from collection of Museum of American Art, Berlin
    Porter McCray, 15 Polish Painters, 1961", 2016, performative lecture, paintings, photographs abd ephemera from collection of Museum of American Art, Berlin
  • Zdjęcie pracy Dushko Petrovich, „El Oso Carnal”, 2013-2016, acrylic on paper, courtesy of the artist
    Dushko Petrovich, „El Oso Carnal”, 2013-2016, acrylic on paper, courtesy of the artist
  • Zdjęcie pracy Timea Anita Oravecz, "Nr IV", from the "Time Lost" series, 2015, hand embroidery on fabric, courtesy of the artist
    Timea Anita Oravecz, "Nr IV", from the "Time Lost" series, 2015, hand embroidery on fabric, courtesy of the artist
  • Zdjęcie pracy Sislej Xhafa, "Barka [The Barge]", 2011, installation, courtesy of the artist and GALERIA CONTINUA, San Gimignano/Beijing/Les Moulins, Habana
    Sislej Xhafa, "Barka [The Barge]", 2011, installation, courtesy of the artist and GALERIA CONTINUA, San Gimignano/Beijing/Les Moulins, Habana
  • Zdjęcie pracy Janek Simon, "Alang Transfer", 2016, installation, courtesy of the artist and Raster Gallery, Warsaw
    Janek Simon, "Alang Transfer", 2016, installation, courtesy of the artist and Raster Gallery, Warsaw
  • Zdjęcie pracy Ilona Nemeth i Jonathan Ravasz, "Retour", 2013, object, courtesy of the artists
    Ilona Nemeth i Jonathan Ravasz, "Retour", 2013, object, courtesy of the artists
  • Zdjęcie pracy Radek Szlaga i Honza Zamojski,"Transatlantic", 2012 (reconstruction 2016), installation, courtesy of the artists and LETO gallery, Warsaw
    Radek Szlaga i Honza Zamojski,"Transatlantic", 2012 (reconstruction 2016), installation, courtesy of the artists and LETO gallery, Warsaw
  • Zdjęcie pracy Daniel Baker, "Copse", 2006, enamel, wood, courtesy of the artist
    Daniel Baker, "Copse", 2006, enamel, wood, courtesy of the artist
  • Zdjęcie pracy Roman Ondak, "Casting Anitnomads", 2000, 120 colour photographs, courtesy of the artist and Pomeranz Collection, Vienna
    Roman Ondak, "Casting Anitnomads", 2000, 120 colour photographs, courtesy of the artist and Pomeranz Collection, Vienna
  • Zdjęcie pracy Pravdoliub Ivanov, "Loaded", 2010, courtesy of the artist, Tiroche DeLeon Collection and Art Ventage PCC Ltd.
    Pravdoliub Ivanov, "Loaded", 2010, courtesy of the artist, Tiroche DeLeon Collection and Art Ventage PCC Ltd.
Audioguide (only in Polish) and press release
  • Grafika obiektu: The Travellers
    mediateka / audio
    The Travellers
    Audioguide (onlu in Polish)
  • Grafika obiektu: The Travellers
    mediateka / folders / Texts
    The Travellers
    Press release
Exhibition products
  • Grafika obiektu: MUG 52˚14'21.6"N 21˚00'41.5"E
    mediateka / photo gallery
    MUG 52˚14'21.6"N 21˚00'41.5"E
Related media
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  • mediateka / audio
  • mediateka / audio
  • mediateka / audio
  • mediateka / audio
  • mediateka / audio
  • Grafika obiektu: The Travellers
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    Audioguide (onlu in Polish)
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  • Grafika obiektu: The Travellers
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    Press release
  • Grafika obiektu: The Travellers
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    mediateka / video-documentation
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    Zachęta – National Gallery of ArtZachęta
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    04.08.2016 (Thu) 18:00
    Wojciech Gilewicz
    Series of meetings with artists accompanying "The Travellers" exhibition
    Zachęta / workshop room (entrance through the main hall)Zachęta / workshop room (entrance through the main hall)
  • Grafika wydarzenia: Friday at Five. Thematic guided tour
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    Zachęta – National Gallery of ArtZachęta
  • Grafika wydarzenia: Sunday guided tour (in Polish)
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    Zachęta – National Gallery of ArtZachęta
  • Grafika wydarzenia: Taste of travel. Family workshops (in Polish)
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    11.08.2016 (Thu) 17:30
    Zachęta – National Gallery of ArtZachęta
  • Grafika wydarzenia: Friday at Five. Thematic guided tour (in Polish)
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    Friday at Five. Thematic guided tour (in Polish)
    Zachęta – National Gallery of ArtZachęta
  • Grafika wydarzenia: Sunday guided tour (in Polish)
    14.08.2016 (Sun) 12:15
    Sunday guided tour (in Polish)
    Zachęta – National Gallery of ArtZachęta
  • Grafika wydarzenia: Micro-expedition to Warsaw's south pole
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    Micro-expedition to Warsaw's south pole
    Kabaty metro stationKabaty metro station
  • Grafika wydarzenia: Crown of Warsaw
    18.08.2016 (Thu) 18:00
    Crown of Warsaw
    Film screening
    Zachęta | cinema room (entrance from Burschego street)cinema room
  • Grafika wydarzenia: Family workshops. Largest world map
    21.08.2016 (Sun) 12:30
    Family workshops. Largest world map
    Zachęta / workshop room (entrance through the main hall)Zachęta / workshop room (entrance through the main hall)
  • Grafika wydarzenia: Sunday guided tour
    18.09.2016 (Sun) 12:15
    Sunday guided tour
    Zachęta – National Gallery of ArtZachęta
  • Publikacje Zachęty
    80,00 złHalka/Haiti 18°48’05"N 72°23’01"W (EN)


The Travellers
14.05 – 21.08.2016

Zachęta – National Gallery of Art
pl. Małachowskiego 3, 00-916 Warsaw
See on the map

Godziny otwarcia:
Tuesday – Sunday 12–8 p.m.
Thursday – free entry
ticket office is open until 7.30 p.m.

partners of the exhibition:
Österreichische Kulturforum WarschauBritish Council

Media patronage: