Zachęta curates the Polish Pavilion and organises exhibitions at the Art Biennale and Architecture Biennale in Venice.

Held biannually since 1895, the International Art Exhibition – La Biennale di Venezia is one of the world’s most prestigious artistic events. Poland has participated since 1932. The Pavilion’s construction was financed by the Polish government and it remains its property to this day. During the six months of the exhibition, projects from all over the world are presented in national pavilions in the Giardini area, the Arsenale and also spread all over the city. In 1999, Katarzyna Kozyra’s Men’s Bathhouse, exhibited at the Polish Pavilion, won a special mention from the Biennale’s Jury.

Alternating with the Art Biennale since 1980 is the International Architecture Exhibition, presenting the most important international realisations, designs and concepts in the field. Polish presentations have been awarded by the international Jury, including a Golden Lion, the top award, for Best National Participation in 2008 for Hotel Polonia. The Afterlife of Buildings, and a special mention in 2012 for Making the walls quake as if they were dilating with the secret knowledge of great power.


Information in Polish Sign Language


Audio description of the Polish Pavilion in Venice


Polish Pavilion commissioner

Bartłomiej Sienkiewicz
Minister of Culture and National Heritage (until 13 May 2024)

Hanna Wróblewska
Minister of Culture and National Heritage (as of 13 May 2024)

Polish Pavilion office

Michał Kubiak, deputy commissioner m.kubiak@zacheta.art.pl+48 22 556 96 03