Chia e tazi pesen?
Movie screening

Zachęta | cinema room (entrance from Burschego street)
free entry

Whose is this song? is a funny, dramatic and tragicomic search for the truth about a Song. A Song that everybody in the Balkans claims it is theirs.A Song that appears as a love song, as a religious hymn and even as a song inciting for battle. An exciting journey around Turkey, Greece, Macedonia, Albania, Bosnia, Serbia and Bulgaria. A film showing with a sense of humor some of the typical features of the character of the people on the Balkans, as for example their habit of appropriating all that is good and denying the others the right to possess the same qualities, the same songs, the same customs, the same temperament.

event accompanying the exhibition
  • 14.05 – 21.08.2016
    The Travellers

    The exhibition looks at travel in a region where freedom to travel was, until recently, a luxury available only to the very few. The revolution of 1989 and the subsequent opening to the world and globalisation processes allowed citizens of the former Eastern Bloc personal mobility on an unprecedented scale. Participation in international exchanges contributed to the region’s identity today as much as the new political and economic order.

    Zachęta – National Gallery of ArtZachęta
Upcoming events
  • 15.03 (Sat) 15:00
    Andrea Fraser. Untitled
    Zachęta | entrance from ul. Burschego (down the stairs)Zachęta | entrance from ul. Burschego (down the stairs)
  • 16.03 (Sun) 12:15
    Andrea Fraser. Untitled
    Guided tour of the exhibition
    Zachęta – National Gallery of ArtZachęta
  • 16.03 (Sun) 15:00
    Current art in the prison of institutions?
    (in Polish)
    Zachęta / workshop room (entrance through the main hall)Zachęta / workshop room (entrance through the main hall)
  • 22.03 (Sat) 16:00
    Захента — Національна галерея мистецтв.Захента — Національна галерея мистецтв.
  • 23.03 (Sun) 12:15
    Sunday guided tour
    (in Polish)
    Zachęta – National Gallery of ArtZachęta
  • 26.03 (Wed) 18:30
    Money, power and the genesis of our times
    (in Polish)
    Zachęta | entrance from ul. Burschego (down the stairs)Zachęta | entrance from ul. Burschego (down the stairs)
  • 28.03 (Fri) 12:15
    Looking/Seeing. Guided tours for adults 60+
    (in Polish)
    Zachęta – National Gallery of ArtZachęta