
  • 23.04 – 30.05.2010
    Brothers Jakub & Tymek Jezierski
    Kordegarda ProjectKordegarda Project
  • Grafika do wystawy Gender Check. Femininity and Masculinity in the Art of Eastern Europe
    20.03 – 13.06.2010
    Gender Check. Femininity and Masculinity in the Art of Eastern Europe

    Gender Check. Femininity and Masculinity in the Art of Eastern Europe” is the first comprehensive exhibition featuring art from Eastern Europe since the 1960s based on the theme of gender roles. 20 years after the fall of the Berlin Wall, the curator Bojana Pejić, along with a team of experts from 24 different countries, has put together a selection of over 300 works including paintings, sculpture, installations, photography, posters, films and videos. With over 200 artists, the exhibition paints an exceptionally diverse picture of a chapter in art history that until recently had been largely unknown and that could also act as an important addition to contemporary gender discourse.       

    Zachęta National Gallery of ArtZachęta
  • Grafika do wystawy All Creatures Great and Small
    19.12.2009 – 21.02.2010
    All Creatures Great and Small

    The exhibition concentrates only on the problem of the world of animals, exploring artists' diverse takes on this problem and the range of ways of visualizing it in art. The point of entry for the exhibition is the desire to overcome the dogmatic anthropocentrism that places the human in the centre of the world as a privileged species of the highest ontological status. This viewpoint continues to dominate in contemporary science, and as a consequence we witness the exclusion of other species/phenomena of life on earth from the sphere of scientific knowledge in terms of their subjectivity or rights.          

    Zachęta National Gallery of ArtZachęta
  • Grafika do wystawy Allan Sekula
    12.12.2009 – 28.02.2010
    Allan Sekula
    Polonia and Other Fables

    The exhibition Polonia and Other Fables is the first individual show of Allan Sekula’s work in Poland. It links his oldest with his newest works, but it is not a classic retrospective show. It is constructed around two major themes: social engagement and the search for a zone in which the private and personal are linked with the universal and the commonplace.    

    Zachęta National Gallery of ArtZachęta
  • Grafika do wystawy Paweł Borkowski (le Fafe)
    10.12 – 30.12.2009
    Paweł Borkowski (le Fafe)

    This exhibition in Kordegarda – prepared as part of the cycle, Room with a view devoted to urban themes – is the latest presentation by Paweł Borkowski after a break of several years which he devoted to design work. Paweł Borkowski is to be found in Warsaw from time to time, sometimes he lives here for a while, and thus he has retained a freshness of vision which permanent residents of the capital habitually lose. His eye, not dimmed by habit, registers paradoxical situations. However, we have to do justice to the artist in stating that he is willing to turn his ironic optic also on himself. One of the sources of inspiration for the exhibition is the dyslexia that he really suffers from – motifs of dilapidated neons creating linguistic mistakes are intentionally included in the works shown at the exhibition.

    Galeria KordegardaGaleria Kordegarda
  • Grafika do wystawy Zbigniew Libera
    01.12.2009 – 07.02.2010
    Zbigniew Libera
    Works from 1982–2008

    Zachęta National Gallery of Art announces a retrospective exhibition of the work of Zbigniew Libera, combined with the publication of a wide-ranging monograph on the artist in English and Polish. The exhibition will be the first such extensive presentation of the artist’s work in Poland and, following his American show (Ann Arbor, 2006), only the second retrospective worldwide of the oeuvre of the author of such works as Lego. Concentration Camp” or Positives.   

    Zachęta National Gallery of ArtZachęta
  • Grafika do wystawy A 21st Century Portrait
    27.10 – 29.11.2009
    A 21st Century Portrait
    Zachęta National Gallery of ArtZachęta
  • Grafika do wystawy Maciek Stępiński
    23.10 – 09.12.2009
    Maciek Stępiński
    Warsaw City Tennis Clubs

    In his most recent project, prepared specially for the Kordegarda as part of the Room with a View series, Maciek Stępiński portrays selected fragments of Warsaw’s urban landscape. Stępiński talks about places close to his heart: tennis clubs, in which he played or competed as a boy. The exhibition’s title, borrowed from a name of real tennis club, evokes the period of late communism, when tennis was an elite sport, a symbol of a better, ‘Western’ lifestyle and Warsaw’s tennis clubs stood out from the dull greyness of almost everything else. Today, these are mostly abandoned or neglected places. The buildings show signs of wear and tear, and vegetation has run wild and taken control of the courts.

    Galeria KordegardaGaleria Kordegarda
  • Grafika do wystawy VIEWS 2009
    19.09 – 15.11.2009
    VIEWS 2009
    Deutsche Bank Foundation Award

    This exhibition has been organised within the frame of the 4th edition of the biennial competition Views 2009 — The Deutsche Bank Foundation Award for the most interesting figures on the young Polish art scene. The exhibition is a presentation of the seven artists nominated for the award: artists whose work over the course of the past two years has earned the particular attention of critics and curators.

    Zachęta – National Gallery of ArtZachęta
  • Grafika do wystawy Pawel Jarodzki
    12.09 – 18.10.2009
    Pawel Jarodzki
    The Best Of

    A monographic exhibition of the work of an artist who made his debut in the 80s as the founder and leader of the legendary Wrocław group Luxus. In addition to documentation of the artist’s early works (principally drawings and comics), we also present paintings from the last fifteen years. Pastiches in a pop art poetics, the use of templates created from press photos, ornaments or plants, references to a wide spectrum of pop culture, the history of art and politics, as well as humorous slogans easy on the ear… these are just a few of the features of this intelligent and provocative art.  

    Zachęta National Gallery of ArtZachęta
  • Grafika do wystawy To Pee in a Bun
    05.09 – 22.11.2009
    To Pee in a Bun
    Works from the Collection of Zachęta National Gallery of Art

    To Pee in a Bun is the fifth presentation of a selection of works from the Zachęta collections. At the exhibition can be seen works either rarely or never before seen. The exhibition’s curator Karol Radziszewski – has made a subjective selection and reinterpretation of works, placing them in new and at times surprising contexts.       

    Zachęta National Gallery of ArtZachęta
  • Grafika do wystawy Szymon Kobylarz
    05.09 – 18.10.2009
    Szymon Kobylarz

    Szymon Kobylarz’s most recent project, created specially for the Kordegarda, is another in a series of the artist’s experiments with gallery space and
    artistic genres. Kobylarz likes to tell stories, create parallel realities, lay false trails, set traps for the viewer. The visitors of his exhibitions often feel like moving through a virtual-reality gaming system. The artist has been fascinated
    lately by issues from the intersection of science, technology, military science and conspiracy theory.

    Galeria KordegardaGaleria Kordegarda
  • Grafika do wystawy Baku, Yerevan, Tbilisi: roger Caucasian Cities
    27.06 – 30.08.2009
    Baku, Yerevan, Tbilisi: roger Caucasian Cities

    This time as part of the Room with a View cycle of exhibitions devoted to urban issues we are presenting at the Kordegarda the work of contemporary artists from the Caucasian cities of Armenia, Azerbaijan, and Georgia. Their photographs, fi lms, and objects show the region’s landscape and architecture marked by history and socio-economic changes, and the daily life of its inhabitants.

    Galeria KordegardaGaleria Kordegarda
  • Grafika do wystawy People, Events, Changes
    12.05 – 12.07.2009
    People, Events, Changes
    20 Years of Photografhy from “Gazeta Wyborcza”
    Zachęta National Gallery of ArtZachęta
  • Grafika do wystawy Invasion of Sound
    07.04 – 02.08.2009
    Invasion of Sound
    Music and the Visual Arts

    Invasion of Sound. Music and the Visual Arts proposes a reading of the esthetic relationship between the visual arts and music as relating to culture, rather to cultures. Such an approach can encompass the whole of music and, at the same time, art in its entirety. To be precise, the exhibition pays particular heed to the points of friction between different musical genres, between different esthetic universes, between different cultures. In other words, Invasion of sound. Music and the visual arts aims to reveal how certain musical contexts of particular works disclose a critical distancing with the cultural, social, historic or political norms that the work addresses.

    Zachęta National Gallery of ArtZachęta
  • Grafika do wystawy Interactive Playground
    17.02 – 26.04.2009
    Interactive Playground

    Even though you are at exhibition in a gallery, on this occasion you are allowed to touch everything and play with the installation-toys. This playground is a bit like a laboratory where you can make experiments and see what happens if you act in one way or another.

    Zachęta National Gallery of ArtZachęta
  • Grafika do wystawy Performer
    14.02 – 22.03.2009

    The exhibition grows out of the need to reconsider Jerzy Grotowski’s work as a phenomenon essential, not only in the perspective of the development of the theatre, but also in the wider context of the cultural changes of the second half of the 20th century to which the visual arts, theatre and literature all testify.

    Elements from Grotowski’s work will be shown through the prism of the visual arts: film documentation of rehearsals, performances, actor exercises and interviews with the director will be placed alongside works by artists who are linked to him by a common inspiration or similar approaches to art, the body and spirituality.

    Zachęta National Gallery of ArtZachęta
  • Grafika do wystawy Paul McCarthy & Benjamin Weissman
    07.02 – 22.03.2009
    Paul McCarthy & Benjamin Weissman
    Quilting Sessions
    Zachęta National Gallery of ArtZachęta
  • 12.12.2008 – 25.01.2009
    Zachęta National Gallery of ArtZachęta
  • Grafika do wystawy Up Against the Wall
    07.12.2008 – 25.01.2009
    Up Against the Wall

    The starting point for the project are murals which, associated above all with wall painting, on this occasion are to be a pretext for a variety of different interventions in/on the architectural interior of the Zacheta gallery. In addition to classical painted murals, the exhibition will also witness the realisation of non-murals: that is to say non-painted installations created from big format prints or other unconventional materials, which somehow reproduce or imitate painted effects. 

    Zachęta National Gallery of ArtZachęta
  • Grafika do wystawy Marek Piasecki
    29.11.2008 – 01.02.2009
    Marek Piasecki

    This exhibition aims to present a comprehensive picture of the artist’s rich and multifaceted oeuvre, which encompasses various disciplines of the visual arts and is situated at the interface of many artistic currents. The exhibition bases on the artist’s rich, unedited yet, archive, as well as museum, gallery, and private collections.

    Zachęta National Gallery of ArtZachęta
  • 30.09 – 16.11.2008
    Guy Ben-Ner
    Instrutions Included
    Zachęta National Gallery of ArtZachęta
  • Grafika do wystawy Revolutions 1968
    16.09 – 11.11.2008
    Revolutions 1968

    The year 1968 is a time of the culmination of a great number of wildly different political and social tensions. Protests, unrest and demonstrations took place all over the world, from Mexico and the U.S.A., through Germany, France, Poland and Czechoslovakia to as far as Japan (without neglecting Latin America). The exhibition Revolutions 1968 does not present the art of those times. It is rather an attempt to portray this period through art (although not just through art) from different perspectives: historical and documentary, or through interpretations and re-interpretations of social problems and cultural phenomena characteristic of this turbulent time.

    Zachęta National Gallery of ArtZachęta
  • Grafika do wystawy Włodzimierz Pawlak
    08.09 – 02.11.2008
    Włodzimierz Pawlak
    Self-portrait in afterimages

    Włodzimierz Pawlak (born 1957) – painter, performer, poet, art theoretician, member of Gruppa (one of the most important artistic collectives of the 1980s) – had until now never had either a comprehensive solo exhibition or an exhaustive publication about his work. The Zachęta show will be the first retrospective presentation of the artist’s oeuvre, covering the years 1984-2008.

    Zachęta National Gallery of ArtZachęta
  • 11.07 – 31.08.2008
    Zachęta National Gallery of ArtZachęta
  • Grafika do wystawy Luc Tuymans
    30.05 – 17.08.2008
    Luc Tuymans
    Zachęta National Gallery of ArtZachęta
  • 16.05 – 29.06.2008
    Zachęta National Gallery of ArtZachęta
  • 09.04 – 31.07.2008
    Zachęta National Gallery of ArtZachęta
  • Grafika do wystawy Barbara Zbrożyna
    28.03 – 18.05.2008
    Barbara Zbrożyna
    Sunlit Figures

    The exhibition presents a synthetic overview of the work of a well-known Polish woman sculptor, who participated in the crucial actions of Polish art of the second half of the 20th century. The exhibition is also an opportunity to confront the sculptural tradition that developed in the studio of Xawery Dunikowski.

    Zachęta National Gallery of ArtZachęta
  • Grafika do wystawy
    17.03 – 18.05.2008
    Zachęta National Gallery of ArtZachęta
  • 08.03 – 24.03.2008
    Zachęta National Gallery of ArtZachęta
  • 07.03 – 18.05.2008
    Zachęta National Gallery of ArtZachęta
  • Grafika do wystawy This is not an exhibition
    26.02 – 04.05.2008
    This is not an exhibition
    Zachęta National Gallery of ArtZachęta
  • Grafika do wystawy Portrait, Landscape, Still Life. From Siemiradzki to Czapski
    18.12.2007 – 17.02.2008
    Portrait, Landscape, Still Life. From Siemiradzki to Czapski
    The Krzysztof Musiał Collection
    Zachęta National Gallery of ArtZachęta
  • Grafika do wystawy Alina Ślesińska
    08.12.2007 – 24.02.2008
    Alina Ślesińska

    Alina Ślesińska is a great absence in the history of Polish contemporary art. She is compared to the other famous Alina, Szapocznikow, for like her she made her debut in the 50s, in the period of socrealism, and like her she was also interested in figurative sculpture inspired by the work of Henry Moore. However, Alina Ślesińska’s work is currently hardly even given a reference in monographs on contemporary sculpture and in dictionaries of art.

    Zachęta National Gallery of ArtZachęta
  • Grafika do wystawy Wilhelm Sasnal
    27.11.2007 – 02.03.2008
    Wilhelm Sasnal
    Years of Struggle

    At the exhibition in Zachęta will be shown paintings from the last few years, loaned from the artist’s studio and from collections in Poland and abroad.

    Zachęta National Gallery of ArtZachęta
  • 17.11 – 02.12.2007
    Zachęta National Gallery of ArtZachęta
  • 06.11 – 25.11.2007
    Zachęta National Gallery of ArtZachęta
  • 28.09 – 11.11.2007
    Zachęta National Gallery of ArtZachęta
  • Grafika do wystawy Viva Mexico!
    18.09 – 18.11.2007
    Viva Mexico!
    Long live Mexico!
    Zachęta National Gallery of ArtZachęta
  • Grafika do wystawy VIEWS 2007
    14.09 – 11.11.2007
    VIEWS 2007
    Deutsche Bank Foundation Award

    This year’s exhibition presents a selection of seven creators whose activity has captured our attention, has delighted and intrigued us, making it impossible for us to remain unmoved. A common feature of the majority of the works presented here is a dialogue with culture and a post-critical relation to politics and social mores.

    Zachęta – National Gallery of ArtZachęta
  • 13.08 – 16.09.2007
    Zachęta National Gallery of ArtZachęta
  • 13.08 – 16.09.2007
    Zachęta National Gallery of ArtZachęta
  • 09.07 – 09.09.2007
    Zachęta National Gallery of ArtZachęta
  • 07.07 – 02.09.2007
    Zachęta National Gallery of ArtZachęta
  • 06.07 – 02.09.2007
    Zachęta National Gallery of ArtZachęta
  • 15.06 – 05.08.2007
    Zachęta National Gallery of ArtZachęta
  • 10.06 – 21.11.2007
    52nd International Art Exhibition — la Biennale di Venezia
    Polish Pavilion at the International Art Exhibition – La Biennale di VeneziaPolish Pavilion at the International Art Exhibition – La Biennale di Venezia
  • Grafika do wystawy Bill Viola
    12.05 – 01.07.2007
    Bill Viola

    The Bill Viola exhibition in Zachęta is the first individual presentation of the work of this outstanding artist and pioneer in video art who has played a major role in the recognition of video as new form of artistic expression and in the development of this medium.        

    Zachęta National Gallery of ArtZachęta
  • 27.04 – 10.06.2007
    Zachęta National Gallery of ArtZachęta
  • 16.04 – 24.06.2007
    Zachęta National Gallery of ArtZachęta
  • 31.03 – 10.04.2007
    Zachęta National Gallery of ArtZachęta
  • 16.03 – 22.04.2007
    Zachęta National Gallery of ArtZachęta
  • 09.03 – 15.04.2007
    Zachęta National Gallery of ArtZachęta
  • 05.03 – 22.04.2007
    Zachęta National Gallery of ArtZachęta
  • 22.02 – 08.04.2007
    Zachęta National Gallery of ArtZachęta
  • 22.02 – 01.04.2007
    Zachęta National Gallery of ArtZachęta
  • 15.12.2006 – 18.02.2007
    Polish painting of the 21st century

    The exhibition gathered in a single exhibition space the selected works of over 60 artists of different generations and different backgrounds, bearing testimony to the potential, diversity and changes occurring in the field of this once most valued of arts.

    Zachęta National Gallery of ArtZachęta
  • Grafika do wystawy Józef Wilkoń
    08.12.2006 – 21.01.2007
    Józef Wilkoń
    Wilkoń's Ark

    He is renowned chiefly as an illustrator, but since the mid-1990s painting and sculpture have occupied a signifi­cant position in his art. The exhibition aimed at presenting precisely this part of the artist's work.

    Zachęta National Gallery of ArtZachęta
  • 29.11 – 10.12.2006
    Zachęta National Gallery of ArtZachęta
  • 21.11.2006 – 07.01.2007
    Galeria KordegardaGaleria Kordegarda
  • 30.10 – 26.11.2006
    Zachęta National Gallery of ArtZachęta
  • 27.10 – 26.11.2006
    Zachęta National Gallery of ArtZachęta
  • Grafika do wystawy Black Alphabet
    22.09 – 19.11.2006
    Black Alphabet
    conTEXTS of Contemporary African American Art
    Zachęta National Gallery of ArtZachęta
  • 18.09 – 30.11.2006
    Zachęta National Gallery of ArtZachęta
  • 15.09 – 09.11.2006
    Galeria KordegardaGaleria Kordegarda
  • 05.09 – 03.10.2006
    Zachęta National Gallery of ArtZachęta
  • Grafika do wystawy Hot/Cold – Summer Loving
    10.07 – 10.09.2006
    Hot/Cold – Summer Loving
    Zachęta National Gallery of ArtZachęta
  • 07.07 – 10.09.2006
    Galeria KordegardaGaleria Kordegarda
  • 19.06 – 27.08.2006
    Zachęta National Gallery of ArtZachęta
  • 12.06 – 27.08.2006
    Zachęta National Gallery of ArtZachęta
  • 07.06 – 20.08.2006
    Zachęta National Gallery of ArtZachęta
  • 12.05 – 02.07.2006
    Galeria KordegardaGaleria Kordegarda
  • 08.05 – 02.07.2006
    Zachęta National Gallery of ArtZachęta
  • 21.04 – 28.05.2006
    Zachęta National Gallery of ArtZachęta
  • 10.04 – 04.06.2006
    Zachęta National Gallery of ArtZachęta
  • 20.03 – 07.05.2006
    Galeria KordegardaGaleria Kordegarda
  • 20.03 – 02.04.2006
    Zachęta National Gallery of ArtZachęta
  • 17.02 – 23.04.2006
    Zachęta National Gallery of ArtZachęta
  • 13.02 – 09.04.2006
    Zachęta National Gallery of ArtZachęta
  • 06.02 – 05.03.2006
    Galeria KordegardaGaleria Kordegarda
  • 04.02 – 05.03.2006
    Zachęta National Gallery of ArtZachęta
  • 30.01 – 02.04.2006
    Zachęta National Gallery of ArtZachęta
  • 16.12.2005 – 29.01.2006
    Zachęta National Gallery of ArtZachęta
  • 02.12.2005 – 15.01.2006
    Galeria KordegardaGaleria Kordegarda
  • Grafika do wystawy Krzysztof Wodiczko
    18.11.2005 – 22.01.2006
    Krzysztof Wodiczko
    Zachęta National Gallery of ArtZachęta
  • 17.11 – 29.11.2005
    Zachęta National Gallery of ArtZachęta
  • 07.11 – 20.11.2005
    Galeria KordegardaGaleria Kordegarda
  • Grafika do wystawy VIEWS 2005
    24.10 – 27.11.2005
    VIEWS 2005
    Deutsche Bank Foundation Award
    Zachęta – National Gallery of ArtZachęta
  • 14.10 – 20.11.2005
    Zachęta National Gallery of ArtZachęta
  • 19.09 – 30.01.2005
    Galeria KordegardaGaleria Kordegarda
  • 19.09 – 30.10.2005
    Zachęta National Gallery of ArtZachęta
  • 12.09 – 06.11.2005
    Zachęta National Gallery of ArtZachęta
  • 09.09 – 16.10.2005
    Zachęta National Gallery of ArtZachęta
  • 08.08 – 11.09.2005
    Galeria KordegardaGaleria Kordegarda
  • 02.08 – 28.08.2005
    Zachęta National Gallery of ArtZachęta
  • 15.07 – 28.08.2005
    Zachęta National Gallery of ArtZachęta
  • 27.06 – 28.08.2005
    The Architecture and Theatre of Prison

    The Panopticon — Bentham's project recalled in the exhibition's title — has become a kind of metaphor today relating not only to prison architecture, but also, or perhaps above all, to the society of surveillance.

    Zachęta National Gallery of ArtZachęta
  • 25.06 – 31.08.2005
    Galeria KordegardaGaleria Kordegarda
  • 20.06 – 21.08.2005
    Zachęta National Gallery of ArtZachęta