Zachęta. February, March, April 2020
folders / Texts

Publication date: 21.02.2020


Powiązane wystawy

  • 18.01 – 15.03.2020
    Anna Siekierska
    Weeds and People

    Anna Siekierska, an environmental activist and graduate of the Faculty of Sculpture at the Warsaw Academy of Fine Arts (diploma in 2013), has prepared an exhibition for the interiors of the Zachęta Project Room. The artist primarily creates works that critically examine the human approach to nature. Architecture is also an important source of inspiration for her. This time the author’s starting point were reflections on the problem of urban wastelands.

    Zachęta Project RoomZPR
  • 08.02 – 30.04.2020
    Two Arts Are Better than One

    How do artists perceive the world and how do their children see it? What makes them happy? What do they fear? How do they see the future together? Winter break at the Zachęta will open with the first joint exhibition of artists and their children prepared for other children and their parents.

    Zachęta – National Gallery of ArtZachęta
  • 15.02 – 14.06.2020
    Early video art (1965-1976)

    The exhibition "Videotapes. Early Video Art (1965–1976)" situates video in a time when it was not yet in the mainstream of artistic circulation and functioned primarily as an experiment that remained outside the area of interest of art institutions, market and distribution. It presents single-channel works made on magnetic tapes. They can be characterised as intimate, spontaneous recordings, mostly made by the artists themselves.

    Zachęta – National Gallery of ArtZachęta
  • 22.02 – 16.08.2020
    Andrzej Krauze
    The Flying Lesson

    The Flying Lesson is an exhibition by Andrzej Krauze, an outstanding Polish cartoonist and illustrator who has lived and worked in London for almost forty years. In Poland, Krauze is mainly known for his satirical works. Older readers may remember his drawings published in Kultura monthlly in the 1970s.

    Zachęta – National Gallery of ArtZachęta
  • 10.03 – 02.08.2020
    Ahmed Cherkaoui in Warsaw
    Polish-Moroccan artistic relations (1955-1980)

    Ahmed Cherkaoui is widely recognized as a pioneer and one of the most prominent representatives of Moroccan contemporary art. At the beginning of 1960s he spent a year in Warsaw, studying at the Fine Arts Academy, and his stay in Poland turned out to be a breakthrough in his painting career. Focused on the exploration of matter painting, the Warsaw period heralded the artist’s later experiments in abstract art, replete with references to traditional Berber culture and religious motifs of Islam, as well as to Polish and French avant-garde.


    Zachęta – National Gallery of ArtZachęta
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  • Grafika obiektu: folders / Texts