Zachęta. September, October, November 2015
folders / Texts

Publication date: 01.09.2015

Newspaper accompanying the autumn exhibitions organized by Zachęta::

Halka/Haiti 18°48’05"N 72°23’01"W (Polish Pavillion in Venice)
The Wild West. A History of Wrocławʼs Avant-Garde
Karolina Grzywnowicz. The Weeds (Zachęta Project Room)
Views 2015 - Deutsche Bank Award
Endless Register. Images and Their Musical Interpretations
Just After the War
Jan Dziaczkowski. True and Untrue Stories

Zuzanna Sękowska, Łukasz Radziszewski. Non-Martials (Zachęta Project Room)
Ieva Epnere (Zachęta Project Room)


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