Jadwiga Sawicka


Artist's works in the Zachęta collection

  • Zdjęcie pracy Cultural Advertisements
    Cultural AdvertisementsJadwiga Sawicka2005
  • Zdjęcie pracy Dress
    DressJadwiga Sawicka2002
  • Zdjęcie pracy Coat
    CoatJadwiga Sawicka2002
  • Zdjęcie pracy Dress
    DressJadwiga Sawicka2002
  • Zdjęcie pracy Sławomir's knees, from series Eight
    Sławomir's knees, from series EightJadwiga Sawicka2000
  • Zdjęcie pracy Untitled
    UntitledJadwiga Sawicka1999
  • Zdjęcie pracy Untitled
    UntitledJadwiga Sawicka1999
  • Zdjęcie pracy Untitled
    UntitledJadwiga Sawicka1999
  • Zdjęcie pracy Untitled
    UntitledJadwiga Sawicka1999
  • 01.02 – 25.04.2021
    Sculpture in Search of a Place

    The exhibition Sculpture in Search of a Place is yet another one in a series of cross-sectional thematic exhibitions at the Zachęta, devoted each year to a different artistic medium. It tackles the subject of the identity of Polish sculpture over the last sixty years — not so much as a chronology of artistic activity, but as a presentation of the phenomena and creative attitudes that have been essential for its development.

    Zachęta – National Gallery of ArtZachęta
  • 01.10.2020 – 07.02.2021
    Living Storages: Artibus

    Zachęta — National Gallery of Art owes both its seat and the mission of popularizing visual arts to the Society for the Encouragement of Fine Arts (SEFA) established 160 years ago by art enthusiasts and artists. This dedication to art resounds in the inscription “Artibus” (To the Arts) on the building’s façade. From the very beginning, this mission has included collecting contemporary art – then and today.

    Zachęta – National Gallery of ArtZachęta
  • Grafika do wystawy Beyond Cybis
    15.09 – 16.12.2018
    Beyond Cybis

    This cross-sectional exhibition of Polish 20th and 21st century painting includes a wide range of works by outstanding Polish artists of different generations — representatives of the key currents of art history and contemporary artistic trends. The exhibition features, among others, contemporary classics, artists representing conceptual attitudes, educators and experimenters, as well as artistic personalities that are worth reminding to the broader audience, who are now relegated to the sidelines of art history.

    Zachęta – National Gallery of ArtZachęta
  • Grafika do wystawy TRUTH BEAUTY GOODNESS
    15.04 – 19.07.2015
    From the Zachęta Collection

    The latest presentation of the collection in the Raczyński tenement building on Małachowski Square, just opposite Zachęta is entitled TRUTH BEAUTY GOODNESS.

    Kamienica Hrabiego RaczyńskiegoKamienica Hrabiego Raczyńskiego