Walk-through accompanying the exhibition "Aria Mineralia" with artist Larisa Crunțeanu (in English)

Zachęta Project Room
free entry

We invite you to a guided-tour of exhibition "Aria Mineralia" with artist Larisa Crunțeanu.

event accompanying the exhibition
  • 20.10 – 02.12.2018
    Larisa Crunțeanu
    Aria Mineralia

    Larisa Crunțeanu’s project is connected with an accidental finding in the centre of Bucharest. Together with the artist Sonia Hornung, they encountered an object that was difficult to identify — a silent, stone-shaped loudspeaker standing on a lawn. The paradoxical finding provokes many questions, not only about what the object is and what it is for, but also about what it sounds like and what its voice says. Is it one of the voices of a larger group? Where is the boundary between its reality and being artificial?

    Zachęta Project RoomZPR
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