edited by: Maria Brewińska, Katarzyna Kołodziej-Podsiadło, Joanna Kordjak
authors: Tomasz Szerszeń (essay) and Zuzanna Andruszko, Maria Brewińska, Jess Łukawska (notes about artists)
graphic design: Kaja Kusztra
ISBN: 978-83-66979-32-1
cover: soft
pages: 56
language: English
English version
The folder accompanying the exhibition, for which the starting point is the concept of potential history formulated by Ariella Aïsha Azoulay, a scholar of political thought and visual culture. Azoulay rejects history as an academic discipline, treating it as a tool of imperial violence. Potential history is the reparative tool, a strategy for retelling history from a non-Western and decolonial perspective. The publication includes a curatorial introduction, a text by cultural anthropologist Tomasz Szerszeń, Cartographies of Resistance: Reclaiming History, and notes about the artists presented at the exhibition, which are illustrated with photographs of their works.