No. 35
We welcomed the New Year at the Zachęta in an avant-garde spirit. Curated by Maria Brewińska, the exhibition Between Collectivism and Individualism – Japanese Avant-garde in the 1950s and the 1960s has enabled us not only to learn more about Japanese art and its accompanying social and cultural contexts, but also to see works rarely shown outside Japan. In turn, Joanna Kordjak has recalled Teresa Gierzyńska, an extraordinary artist whose exhibition Women Live for Love shows the author’s fascinating experiments with photography as the medium, as well as the feminist dimension of her work.
So in the latest issue of our Zachęta Online Magazine we are talking about avant-garde in its various manisfestations. We will be guided around the world of the Japanese avant-garde exhibition by the (personal) curatorial essay by Maria Brewińska, for whom this exhibition represents the culmination of her many years of research. To find out more about Teresa Gierzyńska’s photographic explorations and method, we recommend reading Karolina Ziębińska-Lewandowska’s text The Spaces In-Between. As always, we would like to invite you to explore our resources and archives. We hope that the content selected for our magazine’s 35th issue will be an opportunity for our readers to have an inspiring and surprising encounter with the Zachęta’s history and collection.
Katarzyna Kobro — Władysław Strzemiński
“The preparation of the exhibition of works by Katarzyna Kobro (1898–1951) and Władysław Strzemiński (1893–1952) was a complicated affair with a number of surprising turns of events.” — this is how professor Iwona Luba begins her elaboration on the 1957 exhibition of the famous pair of avant-garde artists.
Henryk Stażewski
UntitledA painting from the later period of the artist’s work, in which he continued his search in the field of geometric abstraction. Stażewski aimed to limit the artistic language, “to narrow the problem to only one solution – repeating one form in various systems”.
Beyond Corrupted Eye. Akumulatory 2 Gallery, 1972–1990
Exhibition folderThe exhibition by Bożena Czubak and Jarosław Kozłowski was an attempt to present the vivid history of the gallery, which for 18 years operated as a non-commercial space for presenting artists from around the world. We recommend texts from the exhibition folder.