1. Adéla Babanová, Return to Adriaport, 2013, video still, courtesy of the artist and PRAGOPROJEKT, a.s.

  2. Adrian Paci, The Column, 2013, video still, courtesy of the artist and Kaufmann Repetto gallery, Milan/New York

  3. Vesna Pavlović, Phototheque, 2013/2016 (detail), from the series: Fabric of Socialism, courtesy of Museum of Yugoslav History, Belgrade

  4. Wojciech Gilewicz, Painter’s Painting, 2015, film still, courtesy of the artist

  5. Maja Vukoje, 1 Kölner, 2015, acrylic, sugar, coffee on burlap, photo by Roland Krauss, courtesy of the artist and Galerie Martin Janda, Vienna

  6. Alban Muja, Berati, from series "My Name Their City", 2012, digital print, courtesy of the artist

  7. Sislej Xhafa, Sunshade, 2011, courtesy of the artist and Galleria Continua San Gimignano / Beijing / Les Moulins / Havana

  8. Taus Makhacheva, Gamsutl, 2012, video still, courtesy of the artist

  9. Olga Chernysheva, The Train, 2003, video still, courtesy of the artist

  10. Halka/Haiti 18°48′05′′N 72°23′01′′W

  11. Porter McCray, 15 Polish Painters, 1961", 2016, performative lecture, paintings, photographs abd ephemera from collection of Museum of American Art, Berlin

  12. Dushko Petrovich, „El Oso Carnal”, 2013-2016, acrylic on paper, courtesy of the artist

  13. Timea Anita Oravecz, "Nr IV", from the "Time Lost" series, 2015, hand embroidery on fabric, courtesy of the artist

  14. Sislej Xhafa, "Barka [The Barge]", 2011, installation, courtesy of the artist and GALERIA CONTINUA, San Gimignano/Beijing/Les Moulins, Habana

  15. Janek Simon, "Alang Transfer", 2016, installation, courtesy of the artist and Raster Gallery, Warsaw

  16. Ilona Nemeth i Jonathan Ravasz, "Retour", 2013, object, courtesy of the artists

  17. Radek Szlaga i Honza Zamojski,"Transatlantic", 2012 (reconstruction 2016), installation, courtesy of the artists and LETO gallery, Warsaw

  18. Daniel Baker, "Copse", 2006, enamel, wood, courtesy of the artist

  19. Roman Ondak, "Casting Anitnomads", 2000, 120 colour photographs, courtesy of the artist and Pomeranz Collection, Vienna

  20. Pravdoliub Ivanov, "Loaded", 2010, courtesy of the artist, Tiroche DeLeon Collection and Art Ventage PCC Ltd.

Janek Simon, "Alang Transfer", 2016, installation, courtesy of the artist and Raster Gallery, Warsaw

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