I Feel Something. Don’t Know What / Simt ceva – nu știu exact ce

15.04 – 05.06.2021 I Feel Something. Don’t Know What / Simt ceva – nu știu exact ce

Art Encounters Foundation, Timişoara

artists: Zofia Gramz / Lera Kelemen / Ana Kun / Janusz Łukowicz / Andreea Medar / Carmen Nicolau / Paulina Pankiewicz / Pusha Petrov & Miki Velciov / Anna Siekierska / Mikołaj Szpaczyński / Sorina Vazelina / Marta Węglińska
curators: Magda Kardasz & Diana Marincu

The exhibition I Feel Something. Don’t Know What is a project created in collaboration Art Encounters Foundation in Timişoara with the Zachęta Project Room in Warsaw, its aim being to generate a creative bridge between the artists who are active on the Timișoara art scene and the Polish artists who have participated in the exhibitions organised by The Zachęta Project Room over the past few years.

Curated by Magda Kardasz & Diana Marincu, this exhibition brings together 7 (including one artistic duo) Timișoara-based artists (Lera Kelemen, Ana Kun, Andreea Medar, Carmen Nicolau, Pusha Petrov & Miki Velciov, Sorina Vazelina) and 6 Polish artists (Zofia Gramz, Janusz Łukowicz, Paulina Pankiewicz, Anna Siekierska, Mikołaj Szpaczyński, Marta Węglińska). The exhibition is based on several interconnected thematic threads: the relationship between natural ecosystems and human intrusion; the imagining of hybrid anthropomorphic beings – extensions of the multiple facets of human existence; and the activist and ecological gestures of the artists with regard to the environment, the city, the public space and social changes. Therefore, the invited artists move towards structures based on self-organisation and collaboration, through which they detach from the existing systems. This is either achieved through the inspiration that is intuitively reached in nature and wilderness, or by developing a personal and collective conscience that is very mindful of the issues that currently define human existence in an exhausted anthropocentric environment.

The title of the exhibition was inspired by a drawing by Zofia Gramz and underlines the state of uncertainty that the planet itself communicates to us today, as well as the disconnection between the emotions and thoughts caused by a situation that often becomes absurd.

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    I Feel Something. Don’t Know What / Simt ceva – nu știu exact ce


I Feel Something. Don’t Know What / Simt ceva – nu știu exact ce
15.04 – 05.06.2021

Art Encounters Foundation, Timişoara
Timişoara, Romania
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