Zachęta. December 2013, January, February 2014
folders / Texts

Publication date: 01.02.2014


Powiązane wystawy

  • Grafika do wystawy Houses as Silver as Tents
    15.10 – 15.12.2013
    Houses as Silver as Tents

    Although Romai people live among us, there are a lot of issues that divide us. Most of all, it is our perception of the mentioned ethnically-foreign co-inhabitants. The exhibition presents, among others, the collection of clichѐ representations: etchings, photographs and paintings (from 19th to 20th century), which reflect stereotypical image of the Roma in Polish art.

    Zachęta – National Gallery of ArtZachęta
  • Grafika do wystawy Michał Frydrych
    13.11.2013 – 06.01.2014
    Michał Frydrych
    A Smooth Transition from Storytelling to Casting a Shadow

    Frydrych analyzes the world in its linguistic aspect while noticing also the perceptual power of images. His recent projects skilfully blur the boundaries between the two facets of reality. The show at the ZPR is an all-embracing art form, a sensorial environment.

    Zachęta Project RoomZPR
  • Grafika do wystawy Map. Artistic Migrations and the Cold War
    30.11.2013 – 09.02.2014
    Map. Artistic Migrations and the Cold War

    The exhibition presents a dynamic map of the post-WWII art world in the context of Polish artists’ and art critics’ travels to Europe and beyond. Marked on the map have been the points and vectors of those travels but also how – despite the Iron Curtain and the policies of mutual isolation – knowledge and inspirations were exchanged. The titular ‘migrations’ pertain not only to the artists themselves and their official and semi-official foreign trips but also to the phenomenon of travelling works and wandering ideas.

    Zachęta – National Gallery of ArtZachęta
  • Grafika do wystawy Robert Maciejuk, Honza Zamojski
    30.11.2013 – 16.02.2014
    Robert Maciejuk, Honza Zamojski
    Above and Below

    Robert Maciejuk and Honza Zamojski’s Above and Below exhibition is a culmination of their long-time friendship and artistic collaboration, which has seen a joint book project, Vases, and two exhibitions of Maciejuk’s art curated by Zamojski at Galeria Starter.

    Zachęta – National Gallery of ArtZachęta
  • Grafika do wystawy Amor e ódio a Lygia Clark
    13.12.2013 – 23.02.2014
    Amor e ódio a Lygia Clark
    Love and Hate to Lygia Clark

    The exhibition presents young Brazilian artists who in their work refer to the classics of contemporary art from their country, primarily modernist visual artists and architects.

    Zachęta – National Gallery of ArtZachęta
  • Grafika do wystawy Brasil: arte/música
    19.01 – 16.03.2014
    Brasil: arte/música
    Brazil: Art/Music

    The exhibition deals with ‘dangerous liaisons’ between the visual arts and music. Not only music lovers know that Brazil is truly a musical melting pot: bossa nova, samba, tropical psychedelia or funk are but some of the contemporary trends present in Brazilian music. Artistic crossovers and interdisciplinary approaches being characteristic for Brazilian artists, the exhibition at the Zachęta Project Room presents works that feature musical themes.

    Zachęta Project RoomZPR
  • Grafika do wystawy Kuba Dąbrowski
    01.02 – 16.03.2014
    Kuba Dąbrowski
    A Drama Feature Film of Polish Production

    Kuba Dąbrowski is a renowned, talented, interdisciplinary and still young photographer. His monographic exhibition comprises a selection of images from various periods and fascinations, from various contexts and registers, arranged – like the titular ‘film drama’ – into a sequence. The author himself seems to have been cast in the lead role, the tentativeness owing to the universal character of the story being told.

    Zachęta – National Gallery of ArtZachęta
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  • Grafika obiektu: folders / Texts