Zachęta. May, June 2017
folders / Texts

Publication date: 08.05.2017


Powiązane wystawy

  • Grafika do wystawy Gordon Parks: I Use My Camera as a Weapon
    18.03 – 21.05.2017
    Gordon Parks: I Use My Camera as a Weapon

    The title of the exhibition I Use My Camera as a Weapon is a quotation from Parks’ first and most important published writing, A Choice of Weapons. That title is the key to his life philosophy and it has to do with choosing your tools precisely in order to reach your goals.  It also refers to a form of activism and the struggle for social equality.

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  • Grafika do wystawy Where Do Thoughts Come From?
    21.04 – 18.06.2017
    Where Do Thoughts Come From?
    Zofia Gramz

    In the exhibition Where Do Thoughts Come From? at the Zachęta Project Room, artist Zofia Gramz presents the summary of a year-long artistic/research project where she made drawings and subjected herself to self-analysis, seeking to identify the motifs that had inspired the specific works.

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  • Grafika do wystawy Beyond the Pleasure Principle
    09.05 – 02.07.2017
    Beyond the Pleasure Principle
    Affective Operations

    The exhibition takes its point of departure in the popular humanistic category of affects, which organise its emotional space. Affect is construed here as the body’s automatic reaction to external stimuli or internal processes. These reactions, pleasant or not, occur beyond consciousness and the rational mind, and are not immediately subject to cognitive reflection.

    Zachęta – National Gallery of ArtZachęta
  • Grafika do wystawy Jarosław Kozakiewicz
    09.05 – 06.08.2017
    Jarosław Kozakiewicz
    The Spinning Head

    Jarosław Kozakiewicz is an artist who works at the intersection of sculpture, science and architecture. In practice for almost three decades, his work has a remarkably constant focus on the human body.

    Zachęta – National Gallery of ArtZachęta
  • Grafika do wystawy 57th International Art Exhibition — la Biennale di Venezia
    13.05 – 26.11.2017
    57th International Art Exhibition — la Biennale di Venezia
    Sharon Lockhart. Little Review

    Sharon Lockhart (b. 1964) is an American artist living and working in Los Angeles and Poland. Lockhart works with communities to make films and photographs that are both visually compelling and socially engaged through collaborations that unfold over long periods of time. Created with young women from the Youth Sociotherapy Center in Rudzienko, Poland, her project Little Review comprises translations, a new film and series of photographs, as well as educational workshops.

    Polish Pavilion at the International Art Exhibition – La Biennale di VeneziaPolish Pavilion at the International Art Exhibition – La Biennale di Venezia
  • Grafika do wystawy Aleksandra Kubiak
    10.06 – 02.07.2017
    Aleksandra Kubiak
    You’re a Cute One, Sweetie

    You’re a Cute One, Sweetie is a very personal film, resulting from the artist’s experience related to the tragic death of her mother Małgorzata. Aleksandra Kubiak combines video-performance with documentary film: a recording of the meetings with the actress who is about to play the role of her mother, and her ‘being’ Małgorzata for one day.

    Zachęta – National Gallery of ArtZachęta
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    Annual report 2015
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  • Grafika obiektu: folders / Texts
  • Grafika obiektu: folders / Texts
  • Grafika obiektu: folders / Texts
  • Grafika obiektu: folders / Texts
  • Grafika obiektu: folders / Texts
  • Grafika obiektu: folders / Texts