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realization: LabArt Ewa Róża Fabjanowska
Publication date: 27.09.2014
Video documentation of the exhibition Flo Kasearu. We Are on the Way
Zachęta Project Room, 27.09–23.11.2014
27.09 – 23.11.2014Flo KasearuWe Are on the Way
Flo Kasearu, one of the most talented Estonian artists of the young generation, decided to send a selection of her recent works on the road. On September 21 this year, a small truck departed from the artist’s House Museum in Tallinn. Its destination was the Zachęta Project Room (MPZ) where the selection was turned into an exhibition. Thus the Warsaw gallery became a twin institution of the Tallinn venue, with the ‘mother museum’ expanding the area and scope of its activity for two months.
Zachęta Project RoomZPR
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