Social Museum, Ochota 2012

Krzysztof Żwirblis

  • type of object: video
  • date: 2012
  • material/technique: 1-channel video projection
  • dimensions: 33'2"
  • inventory No.: V-48
  • image licensed under: CC BY-SA

Krzysztof Żwirblis’ Social Musuem is a project about human and their relations. Artist transforms himself into an animator, journalist and organizer. The project is constituted by people who Żwirblis persuades to show their own collections, tell their own stories, and organize their own festivals, meetings, walk and joint projections. 

Other works by artist in the Zachęta collection

  • Zdjęcie pracy Social Museum, Ochota 2012- final
    Social Museum, Ochota 2012- finalKrzysztof Żwirblis2012

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