
Przemek Branas

  • type of object: video
  • date: 2017
  • material/technique: 1-channel video projection
  • dimensions: 5'30"
  • inventory No.: V-71
  • image licensed under: CC BY-NC-ND 3.0

In his film, Przemek Branas recreated Chris Burden’s performance Shoot (1971), in which the American artist was shot by his assistant. At the same time, Branas referred to two political events: the assassination of President Gabriel Narutowicz in the Zachęta building in 1922, carried out by the painter and educator Eligiusz Niewiadomski, and the shooting of the Russian ambassador to Turkey, Andrei Karlov, during the opening of the exhibition Russia Through Turks’ Eyes: From Kaliningrad to Kamchatka at the Ankara Museum of Contemporary Art (2016). The film begins with a close-up of Niewiadomski’s portrait of the writer Stefan Żeromski. Next, we see a security guard, the curator of the exhibition Views 2017 — Deutsche Bank Award, Dorota Monkiewicz, and the then director of Zachęta, Hanna Wróblewska, engaged in conversation, as well as the Ankara assassin. At the end there was a carefully costumed re-enactment of Burden’s performance, although this time it did not involve a real gunshot. The artist himself said: ‘I’m most interested in working with history and archives and defining these issues through contemporary means. By asking whether what we see is the truth, I become someone who balances on the edge between truth and myth.’

Audio description: The soundtrack is limited to the sound of air conditioning, footsteps, incomprehensible voices, a shot from an air rifle and the sound of a falling rifle cartidge.

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