Looking / Seeing. Contemporary art and the seniors (in Polish)

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event accompanying the exhibition
  • 01.10.2020 – 07.02.2021
    Living Storages: Artibus

    Zachęta — National Gallery of Art owes both its seat and the mission of popularizing visual arts to the Society for the Encouragement of Fine Arts (SEFA) established 160 years ago by art enthusiasts and artists. This dedication to art resounds in the inscription “Artibus” (To the Arts) on the building’s façade. From the very beginning, this mission has included collecting contemporary art – then and today.

    Zachęta – National Gallery of ArtZachęta
Upcoming events
  • 06.02 (Thu) 18:00
    (in Polish and Polish Sign Language)
    Zachęta | entrance from ul. Burschego (down the stairs)Zachęta | entrance from ul. Burschego (down the stairs)
  • 07.02 (Fri) 16:00
    Open studio: What Prussian blue has to do with photography
    (in Polish)
    Zachęta / workshop room (entrance through the main hall)Zachęta / workshop room (entrance through the main hall)
  • 08.02 (Sat) 17:00
    Film screening and introduction by Taras Gembik and Joanna Kordjak in Polish
    Zachęta | entrance from ul. Burschego (down the stairs)Zachęta | entrance from ul. Burschego (down the stairs)
  • 13.02 (Thu) 18:00
    The open studio: From concept to print
    (in Polish)
    Zachęta – National Gallery of ArtZachęta
  • 14.02 (Fri) 16:00
    Images from Dreams. Open workshop on surrealism
    (in Polish)
    Zachęta – National Gallery of ArtZachęta