Becoming female in history. Maria Lassnig and the artists

Zachęta – National Gallery of Art
free entry

One-day seminar devoted to the work of Maria Lassnig, accompanying her exhibition at Zachęta National Gallery of Art. The presentations and discussions will concentrate on questions of female autobiography, self-portraiture, female writing and narrating personal and collective stories, deconstructing grant narratives by means of visual interventions, women’s painting as means of negotiating entangled questions of identity, politics and aesthetics, female body as a site of inscription of history and trauma, as well as jouissance. Researchers, critics and artists will address the above matters in individual presentations as well as panel discussion.


  • 12-14
    3 individual presentations: Joanne Morra (London), Kalina Kupczyńska (Łódź), Katarzyna Bojarska (Warsaw)
  • 14.00-14.45 coffee break / snacks
  • 14.45-16.00
    1 chaired panel discussion: Anna Baumgart, Honorata Martin, Pola Dwurnik

moderator: Magda Szcześniak
concept Katarzyna Bojarska PhD, View. Journal of Visual Culture / Institute of Literary Research of Polish Academy of Sciences

Anna Baumgart — visual artist, working with video, sculpture, installation, photography and performance. Her work has been counted among critical and feminist art. Her works are in numerous prestigious collections, including that of Zachęta Gallery.

dr Katarzyna Bojarska — Assistant professor in the Institute of Literary Research of the Polish Academy of Sciences, in the Department of Late Modernity Literature and Culture. Author of articles and translations interested in the relations of art, literature, history and psychoanalysis. Author of a book Wydarzenia po Wydarzeniu: Białoszewski – Richter – Spiegelman [Events after the Event: Białoszewski – Richter – Spiegelman] (Warsaw 2012). Editor and co-founder of View. Journal of Visual Culture

Pola Dwurnik — visual artist working with oil painting, various forms of drawing, collage and mail art. She studies art history at Warsaw University and art with Edward Dwurnik and Teresa Gierzyńska. She is also involved in self-publishing, editing, writing and song-performing.

dr Kalina Kupczyńska — Assistant professor in the German Language Media and Austrian Culture of the University of Łódź. Receipient of research grants from DAAD, Humboldt Foundation and Franz Werfl Programme. Author of a book entitled “Vergeblicher Versuch das Fliegen zu erlernen.” Manifeste des Wiener Aktionismus (Würzburg 2012), and numerous publications devoted to the study of Germand and Austrian avant-garde, intermediality in contemporary literature, experimental literature and graphic novels.

Honorata Martin — painter, perfomer and multimedia artist. She is known for the radicalism of her actions and her search for the boundaries of physical and mental endurance. She studies extreme situations and the strong emotions that accompany the overcoming of one’s own fears.In 2004–2009 studied painting at the Art Academy in Gdańsk. In nominated for Views 2017. Deutsche Bank Award

dr Joanne Morra – Reader in Art History and Theory at Central Saint Martins College of Art and Design, University of the Arts London.s She is presently working on several projects, including a book entitled Inside the Freud Museums: History, Memory and Site-Responsive Art, Canyon, a close reading of Robert Rauschenberg’s combine and its implications for contemporary art, Intimacy Unguarded: Autobiography, Biography, Memoir (with Emma Talbot). Joanne Morra is a Founding Principal Editor of Journal of Visual Culture, Founding Executive Board Member of International Association of Visual Culture, and Founding Member of Visual Culture Studies in Europe Network.

dr Magda Szcześniak — Assistant professor in the Institute of Polish Culture, University of Warsaw. Author of a book Norms of Visuality. Identity in Times of Transition (Warsaw 2016), she works on Polish post 1989 culture, in particular on transformation of visual culture and public sphere. She has published articles in numerous Polish academic journals, including „Dialog”, „Konteksty”, „Krytyka Polityczna”, „Kultura Współczesna” and „Teksty Drugie”. Receipient of research grants from the Fulbright Foundation and the National Science Center. Editor and co-founder of View. Journal of Visual Culture

simultaneous translation polish-english

organized in collaboration with Austrian Cultural Forum in Warsaw

Österreichische Kulturforum Warschau

event accompanying the exhibition
  • 15.07 – 15.10.2017
    Maria Lassnig

    Zachęta — National Gallery of Art presents the first retrospective in Poland of one of the most original painters of the twentieth century, Maria Lassnig (1919–2014, Austria). Featuring large scale paintings that reveal her long standing exploration of the body and self-representation the exhibition spans her entire career.

    Zachęta – National Gallery of ArtZachęta
See also
  • mediateka / audio
    Becoming female in history. Maria Lassnig and the artists
  • mediateka / audio
    Becoming female in history. Maria Lassnig and the artists
  • mediateka / audio
    Becoming female in history. Maria Lassnig and the artists
Upcoming events
  • 15.03 (Sat) 15:00
    Andrea Fraser. Untitled
    Lecture & discussion
    Zachęta | entrance from ul. Burschego (down the stairs)Zachęta | entrance from ul. Burschego (down the stairs)
  • 16.03 (Sun) 12:15
    Andrea Fraser. Untitled
    Guided tour of the exhibition
    Zachęta – National Gallery of ArtZachęta
  • 16.03 (Sun) 15:00
    Current art in the prison of institutions?
    (in Polish)
    Zachęta / workshop room (entrance through the main hall)Zachęta / workshop room (entrance through the main hall)
  • 22.03 (Sat) 16:00
    Захента — Національна галерея мистецтв.Захента — Національна галерея мистецтв.
  • 23.03 (Sun) 12:15
    Sunday guided tour
    (in Polish)
    Zachęta – National Gallery of ArtZachęta
  • 26.03 (Wed) 18:30
    Money, power and the genesis of our times
    (in Polish)
    Zachęta | entrance from ul. Burschego (down the stairs)Zachęta | entrance from ul. Burschego (down the stairs)
  • 28.03 (Fri) 12:15
    Looking/Seeing. Guided tours for adults 60+
    (in Polish)
    Zachęta – National Gallery of ArtZachęta