Family workshops (in Polish)

Zachęta – National Gallery of Art
family ticket: 18 PLN, sign-up required

Booking form

7.12.2024 (sobota), godz: 12:00
  • 7.12.2024 (sobota), godz: 12:00
  • 8.12.2024 (niedziela), godz: 12:00

Dziękujemy. Formularz został wysłany.
event accompanying the exhibition
  • 07.12.2019 – 09.02.2020
    Radek Szlaga
    Places I had no intention of seeing

    The exhibition presents the latest paintings by Radek Szlaga, which were created as a result of his study of the language of the painting medium, underestimated narratives and relations between art, information and knowledge. Today, these interests gain new meaning and context.


    Zachęta – National Gallery of ArtZachęta
Upcoming events
  • 12.01 (Sun) 12:15
    Sunday guided tour
    (in Polish)
    Zachęta – National Gallery of ArtZachęta
  • 12.01 (Sun) 18:30
    Caucasian Paradise: Atmospheric Histories of the Soviet (Sub)Tropics
    in English
    cinema room, free entry, meeting in Englishcinema room, free entry, meeting in English
  • 24.01 (Fri) 12:15
    Looking/Seeing. Contemporary art and the seniors
    Zachęta – National Gallery of ArtZachęta
  • 27.01 – 30.01.2025
    Bunt Głuchych. Odnowa
    Zachęta – National Gallery of ArtZachęta – National Gallery of Art