Prosaic Portraits, Ironies and Other Intimacies
Film screening and meeting with Susan Mogul (in English)

Zachęta | cinema room (entrance from Burschego street)
free entry

Susan Mogul's first video diary work follows the artist on a trip though Eastern Europe immediately after the fall of the USSR. Through discussions with various characters about politics, art, and each others personal lives, Mogul creates a video time capsule of social life in Poland, then Czechoslovakia, and former Yugoslavia.

'In autumn of 1990 I went to Poland and rented a flat in Warsaw for one month. I did not know a word of Polish and had only one contact there.  Using a diary format, I chronicle my everyday interactions with artists, intellectuals and those I meet by chance.  I also seek out the few remaining Jews living in the homeland of my Jewish grandparents.'

After the screening, there will be meeting with the artist.

Susan Mogul – artist/filmmaker is a pioneer of the medium, having been involved with video since the early 1970s. Initially producing an important series of humorous and staunchly feminist performance videos, her practice quickly expanded to more complicated and experimental forms of narrative, including feature length work. Mogul’s video/film retrospective was presented at Visions du Reel Film Festival in Switzerland in 2009.

event accompanying the exhibition
  • 05.08 – 30.10.2022
    Susan Mogul
    What Becomes a Legend Most?

    Susan Mogul’s solo exhibition at Zachęta — National Gallery of Art will include video productions from the 1970s as well as her most recent films, objects and works on paper. They touch on important issues such as the position of women, social changes in customs, family ties and the artist’s relationship with her mother.

    Zachęta – National Gallery of ArtZachęta
Upcoming events
  • 04.03 (Tue) 18:30
    Repeat after Me II
    catalogue promotion (in Polish)
    Zachęta | entrance from ul. Burschego (down the stairs)Zachęta | entrance from ul. Burschego (down the stairs)
  • 06.03 (Thu) 18:00
    The Vanishing Present: Photography and Film at the Turn of the 21st Century
    Lecture by John-Michael Warner and film screening of Mary Jenea Sanchez’s work
    Zachęta | entrance from ul. Burschego (down the stairs)Zachęta | entrance from ul. Burschego (down the stairs)
  • 09.03 (Sun) 16:00
    Пізнаємо Захента!
    Недільні екскурсії українською мовою
    Захента — Національна галерея мистецтв.Захента — Національна галерея мистецтв.