Guided tour by Tomasz Saciłowski & concert by Sonia PIsze Piosenki

Zachęta Project Room
free entry

event accompanying the exhibition
  • 24.06 – 27.08.2017
    Tomasz Saciłowski

    Tomasz Saciłowski’s exhibition at the Zachęta Project Room, titled CLFN, consists of new works combining photography and painting. According to the author himself, ‘the prints have been made from negatives and slides with images of leaves, flowers, and trees, taken in the second half of 2016’. He continues, ‘I exposed the films multiple times, including with RGB lamps in the darkroom.

    Zachęta Project RoomZPR
Upcoming events
  • 15.03 (Sat) 15:00
    Andrea Fraser. Untitled
    Zachęta | entrance from ul. Burschego (down the stairs)Zachęta | entrance from ul. Burschego (down the stairs)
  • 16.03 (Sun) 12:15
    Andrea Fraser. Untitled
    Guided tour of the exhibition
    Zachęta – National Gallery of ArtZachęta
  • 16.03 (Sun) 15:00
    Current art in the prison of institutions?
    (in Polish)
    Zachęta / workshop room (entrance through the main hall)Zachęta / workshop room (entrance through the main hall)
  • 22.03 (Sat) 16:00
    Захента — Національна галерея мистецтв.Захента — Національна галерея мистецтв.
  • 23.03 (Sun) 12:15
    Sunday guided tour
    (in Polish)
    Zachęta – National Gallery of ArtZachęta
  • 26.03 (Wed) 18:30
    Money, power and the genesis of our times
    (in Polish)
    Zachęta | entrance from ul. Burschego (down the stairs)Zachęta | entrance from ul. Burschego (down the stairs)
  • 28.03 (Fri) 12:15
    Looking/Seeing. Guided tours for adults 60+
    (in Polish)
    Zachęta – National Gallery of ArtZachęta