
  • 07.09 – 03.11.2024
    Prinz Gholam

    Prinz Gholam is the collaborative name of two artists, Wolfgang Prinz and Michel Gholam, who have been working together since 2001.

    Zachęta | Plac Małachowskiego 3
  • 08.06 – 29.09.2024
    Tears of Joy

    For whom are exhibitions created? Whose stories do they tell, and who is not represented in them and feels out of place in an art gallery? What role should the institution perform today and what needs should it respond to?

    Zachęta | plac Małachowskiego 3
  • 18.07 – 13.10.2024
    WATER VASE. Aquatic botany at Plac Małachowskiego

    One response to the overheating of cities is creating microclimates — local zones to catch your breath.

    Zachęta | Plac Małachowskiego 3
  • 19.07 – 06.10.2024
    Anna Rendecka

    The presented project called Disappearing is an attempt to give an artistic expression to the process of memory loss and to create a space for discussion on the consequences of this disappearance.

    ZPR | Gałczyńskiego 3
  • 20.04 – 24.11.2024
    Repeat after Me II
    Polish Pavilion in Venice

    Announcement of the audiovisual project by the Open Group collective.

    Polish Pawilion in Venice
  • Open Zachęta

    One of the largest projects to digitize and share contemporary art collections in Poland.

    Zachęta | Online


  • 10.09 (WT) 18:00
    Bolder institutions supporting bolder creativity
    (in Polish)

    Following the screening, we invite you to a discussion hosted by Paulina Januszewska, with the participation of Anna Czaban, Magdalena Gawin and Liliana Zeic.

    Zachęta | Plac Małachowskiego 3
  • 12.09 (CZW) 15:30
    Social inclusion
    Challenges and practices towards neurocognitive disorders

    (in Polish)

    Zachęta | ZPR
  • 12.09 – 14.09.2024
    Ania Nowicka, performance

    Uvula, or colloquially celestial tongue, is the practice of continual becoming and an exhortation to create life.

    Zachęta | Plac Małachowskiego 3
  • 14.09 (SOB) 19:00
    Joanna Pawlik's Performance

    Szapocznikow's work focused on the body, mainly the female body, is the incompatibility of forms, the disintegration, the separation of its fragments from one another.

    Zachęta | Plac Małachowskiego 3
  • 15.09 (ND) 12:15
    Sunday guided tour
    (in Polish)

    Join us for guided tours of current exhibitions at Zachęta.

    Zachęta | Plac Małachowskiego 3
  • 15.09 (ND) 18:00
    Jana Shostak, Krzykucha (wersja 2.0)
    Stand Up for Your Rights

    The documentary stand up Krzykucha updated with new experiences is a collection of surrealist stories from the life of Jana Shostak, who has been performing for six years.

    Zachęta | Plac Małachowskiego 3
  • 08.10 (WT) 17:00
    With all senses
    (in Polish)

    We invite you to a series of respite meetings in the space of the Zachęta for families of children with disabilities.

    Zachęta | Plac Małachowskiego 3
    Gessel Foundation

    We invite you to take part in the next edition of the competition. The deadline for the submission of works in both calls is 31 October 2024. 

    Zachęta | Gessel Foundation

    The Minister of Culture and National Heritage and Zachęta - National Gallery of Art announce a CONTEST for the design of an exhibition to be realised in the Polish Pavilion.

    Venice Biennale
  • News

    Zachęta | plac Małachowskiego 3

Zachęta Online Magazine

  • #39 Embracing the Darkness, Leaping into the Unknown
    The latest issue of our online magazine

    Michalina Sablik and Aleksandra Skowrońska discuss the Exhibitions From the Ashes and Does the Rising Sun Affright

    Nr 39/2024
  • Zachęta Online Magazine

    History and the present... we encourage you to read all editions of our online magazine.

    Zachęta Online Magazine
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