Kulisiewicz. Succinct Beauty

19.11.2022 – 05.03.2023 Kulisiewicz. Succinct Beauty

Zachęta – National Gallery of Art

curator: Janusz Janowski, PhD

The ‘Master of the Line’ from Kalisz, a sensitive humanist, a careful observer of his native land or a participant in distant artistic journeys — the figure of Tadeusz Kulisiewicz is undoubtedly linked to a multitude of contexts and stages of creative evolution, which is why the exhibition Kulisiewicz: Succinct Beauty is the story of how individual chapters of the artist’s life shaped his original and outstanding expressive language over the years.

The course of this multi-layered story takes the viewer into the world of woodcuts from the Szlembark series and pre-war drypoint prints, to then show the wealth of drawings created through many technical, stylistic and thematic explorations, transformations or experiments. All this to reveal to us the essence of the artist’s artistry — the iconic ‘Kulisiewicz line’.

This broad framing of the subject provides a unique selection of works, not previously shown in a single space. The exhibition will feature includes an extensive selection of prints, drawings, and sketches created throughout the artist’s life, including during his numerous travels to China, India, South America and Cuba. The works shown come from a number of galleries and museums such as the National Museum in Warsaw, the Asia-Pacific Museum and Zachęta — National Gallery of Art, as well as the Museum of the Polish Army and the Museum of Warsaw. A significant part of the exhibition is made up of the private collections of Wanda and Leonard Pietraszak, Jacek Kudelski and Jacek Łozowski.

The exhibition is enriched with a comprehensive historical and cultural context: extensive archival documentation, press, books, theatre and film stills and documentaries.

In addition, the exhibition is accompanied by a lavishly illustrated catalogue with reproductions of the artist’s most interesting and important works, including texts by Dr Janusz Janowski, Dr Anna Manicka and a memoir by the artist’s friends, Wanda and Leonard Pietraszak, as well as a timeline compiled by Zuzanna Sękowska. Thanks to such careful preparation, the exhibition enables the artist’s work and personality to be captured with an insight that is almost characteristic of Kulisiewicz.


Artist's works in the Zachęta collection

  • Zdjęcie pracy The Grand Duke, from the Caucasian Chalk Circle by B. Brecht series
    The Grand Duke, from the Caucasian Chalk Circle by B. Brecht seriesTadeusz Kulisiewicz1955
  • Zdjęcie pracy Natella Abashvili, from the Caucasian Chalk Cicrcle by B. Brecht series
    Natella Abashvili, from the Caucasian Chalk Cicrcle by B. Brecht seriesTadeusz Kulisiewicz1955
  • Zdjęcie pracy Mother Georgia, from the Caucasian Chalk Circle by B. Brecht series
    Mother Georgia, from the Caucasian Chalk Circle by B. Brecht seriesTadeusz Kulisiewicz1955
  • Zdjęcie pracy Stupid Cousin, from the Caucasian Chalk Circle by B. Brecht series
    Stupid Cousin, from the Caucasian Chalk Circle by B. Brecht seriesTadeusz Kulisiewicz1955
  • Zdjęcie pracy Sculpture from a Temple, from the India series
    Sculpture from a Temple, from the India seriesTadeusz Kulisiewicz1956
  • Zdjęcie pracy Mother, from the India series
    Mother, from the India seriesTadeusz Kulisiewicz1956
  • Zdjęcie pracy Szlembark Landscape
    Szlembark LandscapeTadeusz Kulisiewicz1963
  • Zdjęcie pracy Haystack Supports (Szlembark)
    Haystack Supports (Szlembark)Tadeusz Kulisiewicz1963
  • Zdjęcie pracy Brazil - Landscape from Parana
    Brazil - Landscape from ParanaTadeusz Kulisiewicz1963
  • Zdjęcie pracy On the Road, from the Mother Courage by B. Brecht series
    On the Road, from the Mother Courage by B. Brecht seriesTadeusz Kulisiewicz1963
  • Zdjęcie pracy Carriage, from the Mother Courage by B. Brecht series
    Carriage, from the Mother Courage by B. Brecht seriesTadeusz Kulisiewicz1963
  • Zdjęcie pracy Mother Courage, from the Mother Courage by B. Brecht series
    Mother Courage, from the Mother Courage by B. Brecht seriesTadeusz Kulisiewicz1963
  • Zdjęcie pracy Sketches II, from the Mother Courage by B. Brecht series
    Sketches II, from the Mother Courage by B. Brecht seriesTadeusz Kulisiewicz1963
  • Zdjęcie pracy Sketches I, from the Mother Courage by B. Brecht series
    Sketches I, from the Mother Courage by B. Brecht seriesTadeusz Kulisiewicz1963
  • Zdjęcie pracy Kattrin, from the Mother Courage by B. Brecht series
    Kattrin, from the Mother Courage by B. Brecht seriesTadeusz Kulisiewicz1963
  • Zdjęcie pracy The Death of Kattrin, from the Mother Courage by B. Brecht series
    The Death of Kattrin, from the Mother Courage by B. Brecht seriesTadeusz Kulisiewicz1963
  • Zdjęcie pracy Mother Courage and a Cook, from the Mother Courage by B. Brecht series
    Mother Courage and a Cook, from the Mother Courage by B. Brecht seriesTadeusz Kulisiewicz1963
  • Zdjęcie pracy Mother Courage, from the Mother Courage by B. Brecht series
    Mother Courage, from the Mother Courage by B. Brecht seriesTadeusz Kulisiewicz1963
  • Zdjęcie pracy Żołnierze z cyklu Matka Courage B. Brechta
    Żołnierze z cyklu Matka Courage B. BrechtaTadeusz Kulisiewicz1963
  • Zdjęcie pracy Nude
    NudeTadeusz Kulisiewicz1968
  • Zdjęcie pracy Head of a Woman
    Head of a WomanTadeusz Kulisiewicz1969
  • Zdjęcie pracy Head of a Woman
    Head of a WomanTadeusz Kulisiewicz1969
  • Zdjęcie pracy Kasia
    KasiaTadeusz Kulisiewicz1969
  • Zdjęcie pracy Kasia (Szlembark)
    Kasia (Szlembark)Tadeusz Kulisiewicz1969
  • Zdjęcie pracy Maja
    MajaTadeusz Kulisiewicz1969
  • Zdjęcie pracy Hanka
    HankaTadeusz Kulisiewicz1969
  • Zdjęcie pracy Head
    HeadTadeusz Kulisiewicz1969
  • Zdjęcie pracy Bird
    BirdTadeusz Kulisiewicz1969
  • Zdjęcie pracy Composition I, from The Mediterranean Hour by J. Parandowski series
    Composition I, from The Mediterranean Hour by J. Parandowski seriesTadeusz Kulisiewicz1969
  • Zdjęcie pracy Composition II, from The Mediterranean Hour by J. Parandowski series
    Composition II, from The Mediterranean Hour by J. Parandowski seriesTadeusz Kulisiewicz1969
  • Zdjęcie pracy Composition III, from The Mediterranean Hour by J. Parandowski series
    Composition III, from The Mediterranean Hour by J. Parandowski seriesTadeusz Kulisiewicz1969
  • Zdjęcie pracy Composition IV, from The Mediterranean Hour by J. Parandowski series
    Composition IV, from The Mediterranean Hour by J. Parandowski seriesTadeusz Kulisiewicz1969
  • Zdjęcie pracy Composition V, from The Mediterranean Hour by J. Parandowski series
    Composition V, from The Mediterranean Hour by J. Parandowski seriesTadeusz Kulisiewicz1969
  • Zdjęcie pracy Composition VI, from The Mediterranean Hour by J. Parandowski series
    Composition VI, from The Mediterranean Hour by J. Parandowski seriesTadeusz Kulisiewicz1969
  • Zdjęcie pracy Composition VII, from The Mediterranean Hour by J. Parandowski series
    Composition VII, from The Mediterranean Hour by J. Parandowski seriesTadeusz Kulisiewicz1969
  • Zdjęcie pracy Head I, from The Mediterranean Hour by J. Parandowski series
    Head I, from The Mediterranean Hour by J. Parandowski seriesTadeusz Kulisiewicz1969
  • Zdjęcie pracy Head II, from The Mediterranean Hour by J. Parandowski series
    Head II, from The Mediterranean Hour by J. Parandowski seriesTadeusz Kulisiewicz1969
  • Zdjęcie pracy Head III, from The Mediterranean Hour by J. Parandowski series
    Head III, from The Mediterranean Hour by J. Parandowski seriesTadeusz Kulisiewicz1969
  • Zdjęcie pracy Untitled (Head)
    Untitled (Head)Tadeusz Kulisiewicz1970
  • Zdjęcie pracy Lagoon
    LagoonTadeusz Kulisiewicz
  • Zdjęcie pracy From the Caucasian Chalk Circle by B. Brecht series
    From the Caucasian Chalk Circle by B. Brecht seriesTadeusz Kulisiewicz1955
  • Zdjęcie pracy Soldiers, from the Mother Courage by B. Brecht series
    Soldiers, from the Mother Courage by B. Brecht seriesTadeusz Kulisiewicz1955
  • Zdjęcie pracy Fiancé, from the Mother Courage by B. Brecht series
    Fiancé, from the Mother Courage by B. Brecht seriesTadeusz Kulisiewicz1955
  • Zdjęcie pracy The Governor's Wife and Attorneys, from the Caucasian Chalk Circle by B. Brecht series
    The Governor's Wife and Attorneys, from the Caucasian Chalk Circle by B. Brecht seriesTadeusz Kulisiewicz1955
Related media
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    3D Exhibition: Kulisiewicz. Succinct Beauty
  • Grafika obiektu: Kulisiewicz. Succinct Beauty
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  • Grafika obiektu: Kulisiewicz. Succinct Beauty
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Kulisiewicz. Succinct Beauty
19.11.2022 – 05.03.2023

Zachęta – National Gallery of Art
pl. Małachowskiego 3, 00-916 Warsaw
See on the map

Godziny otwarcia:
Tuesday – Sunday 12–8 p.m.
Thursday – free entry
ticket office is open until 7.30 p.m.

Exhibition under the honorary patronage of the Deputy Prime Minister, the Minister of Culture and National Heritage, Prof. Piotr Gliński.

Exhibition subsidized with funds from Ministry of Culture and National Heritage:

media patronage: