Multimedia and Publications
- Type: posters
Site under reconstruction. In case of difficulties in accessing resources, please contact us by email:
- postersBetween Collectivism and Individualism —Japanese Avant-garde in the 1950s and the 1960s
- postersBetween Collectivism and Individualism —Japanese Avant-garde in the 1950s and the 1960s
- postersBetween Collectivism and Individualism —Japanese Avant-garde in the 1950s and the 1960s
- postersBeyond Corrupted Eye Akumulatory 2 Gallery, 1972–1990
- postersBeyond Cybis
- postersBeyond the Pleasure PrincipleAffective Operations
- postersBill Viola
- postersBodily Choreography
- postersBogna Burska. Rebellion of the Deaf
- postersBogusław Szwacz
- postersBolesław Kuźmiński
- postersBrasil: arte/música. Brazil: Art/Music
- postersBronisław Kopczyński
- postersBronisław Kopczyński, Warsaw's painter.
- postersBulgaria in the work of Polish artists
- postersCannibalism? On Appropriation in Art
- postersCannibalism? On Appropriation in Art
- postersChange the SettingPolish Theatrical and Social Set Design of the 20th and 21st Centuries
- postersCold RevolutionCentral and Eastern European Societies in Times of Socialist Realism, 1948–1959
- postersCold RevolutionCentral and Eastern European Societies in Times of Socialist Realism, 1948–1959
- postersCold RevolutionCentral and Eastern European Societies in Times of Socialist Realism, 1948–1959
- postersCold RevolutionCentral and Eastern European Societies in Times of Socialist Realism, 1948–1959
- postersCold RevolutionCentral and Eastern European Societies in Times of Socialist Realism, 1948–1959
- postersCollections
- postersCorpus
- postersCosmos Calling! Art and Science in the Long Sixties
- postersCuban Graphics
- postersCzechoslovakian Fine Arts
- postersCzesław Rzepiński
- postersDaniel Mróz
- postersDanuta Leszczyńska-Kluza
- postersDoubly Regained Territories. Bogdan Łopieński, Andrzej Tobis, Krzysztof Żwirblis
- postersDutch jewellery exhibition
- postersEdmund Burke
- postersEdmund Piotrowicz
- postersEmil Krcha
- postersEmotikon. Robert Rumas & Piotr Wyrzykowski
- postersEugenia Różańska
- postersEugeniusz Geppert
- postersEverything Is Art to Me. An Exhibition for Children
- postersExhibition about art publications
- postersExhibition and sale of CBWA-Zachęta's publications
- postersExhibition Histories: New PerspectivesSymposium
- postersExhibition of "Tendenzen" Group
- postersExhibition of 25 realist painters
- postersExhibition of 30 realist painters
- postersExhibition of Chinese woodcuts
- postersExhibition of cuban paintings
- postersExhibition of Hungarian folk art