Zachęta. July, August, September 2019
folders / Texts

Publication date: 03.07.2019


Powiązane wystawy

  • Grafika do wystawy Paulina Włostowska
    15.06 – 11.08.2019
    Paulina Włostowska

    Paulina Włostowska had the opportunity to become acquainted with the works of her late neighbour, the local artist Czesław Gendek — a painter who created works in various techniques and who was involved with applied graphics, exhibitions and advertising. The Gendek family studio housed both the unfinished works of the artist and the tools of his everyday craft. Włostowska never met the painter personally, so she only came across an orphaned space and objects that had lost their meaning and function.

    Zachęta Project RoomZPR
  • Grafika do wystawy Red Floods the Frame
    18.06 – 25.08.2019
    Red Floods the Frame
    Kazimierz Urbański

    An experimenter in the field of cinematographic techniques and a film education pioneer, originator and founder of the Film Drawing Studio at the Academy of Fine Arts in Kraków (1957–1972) — the first such institution in the world offering education in animation at a higher artistic school.

    Zachęta – National Gallery of ArtZachęta
  • 29.06.2019 – 18.07.2022
    Marek Sobczyk
    Simple Rainbow

    "Simple Rainbow" was created in 1991 for the exhibition entitled "Epitaph and Seven Spaces", curated by Janusz Bogucki and Nina Smolarz. The rainbow stood on Małachowskiego Square until 1993. After 28 years, it will reappear on the square, as a conversation starter on today’s society and world.

    plac Małachowskiego (infront of Zachętą gallery)plac Małachowskiego
  • Grafika do wystawy Alienations or The Fire Next Time
    13.07 – 29.09.2019
    Alienations or The Fire Next Time

    The exhibition consists of seven films by outstanding and renowned artists; some of them are presented for the first time. They show in different ways the condition of people, the Earth, what we are losing and what we desire, the effects of the different forms of alienation that we experience globally today. They make us aware of the causes of alienation, the mechanisms of destructive human behaviour, recalling historical and contemporary events that affect the state of today’s world.

    Zachęta – National Gallery of ArtZachęta
  • Grafika do wystawy Strike
    10.09 – 17.11.2019
    Käthe Kollwitz, Hito Steyerl, Keren Donde

    The exhibition project was inspired by the historical exhibition of the works of the German graphic artist, sculptor and painter Käthe Kollwitz, which took place in the Zachęta Central Bureau of Art Exhibitions (CBWA) in 1951. The development of documentation and analysis of the exhibition reception was possible thanks to a research project conducted in recent years at the Zachęta gallery, in which exhibitions, rather than individual works, were the subject of research.

    Zachęta – National Gallery of ArtZachęta
Zobacz także
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    Annual report 2015
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  • Grafika obiektu: folders / Texts
  • Grafika obiektu: folders / Texts
  • Grafika obiektu: folders / Texts
  • Grafika obiektu: folders / Texts
  • Grafika obiektu: folders / Texts
  • Grafika obiektu: folders / Texts
  • Grafika obiektu: folders / Texts