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realization: Mirek Szewczyk
Publication date: 10.12.2012
Video documentation of the exhibition No, No I Hardly Ever Miss the Show
10.12.2011 – 12.02.2012
10.12.2011 – 12.02.2012No, No, I Hardly Ever Miss a Show
No, No, I Hardly Ever Miss a Show is a project about the public, for public, that is also co-created by the public. Zachęta’s exhibition halls became a space for an exchange of ideas and thoughts, both in a ‘traditional’ way (art pieces, lectures, discussions), as well as in an interactive manner (workshops, art interventions). The exhibition reveals the mechanisms through which the gallery operates, and demonstrates the processes involved in the preparation and running of an exhibition.
Zachęta National Gallery of ArtZachęta
The Splendor of Textilesvideo-documentation
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EmotikonRobert Rumas & Piotr Wyrzykowskivideo-documentation
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