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realization: Mirek Szewczyk
Publication date: 14.04.2012
Video documentation of the exhibition Emotikon. Robert Rumas & Piotr Wyrzykowski
14.04 – 20.05.2012EmotikonRobert Rumas & Piotr Wyrzykowski
The Emotikon project had its first instalment in the Art Museum in Łódź in the spring of 2011. The exhibition is a summary of a trip that Robert Rumas and Piotr Wyrzykowski made around a number of countries of Eastern Europe and Asia Minor. In search of emotions, they visited Turkey, Georgia, Ukraine and Romania, places that are geographically, culturally and aesthetically diverse. The artists, in the vein of two traveller-documentalists, explored places and stories without a preconceived scenario, thus giving the exhibition a sociological and anthropological character.
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