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20.04 – 07.07.2024Paulina MirowskaTrophia
Trophia is a visual essay on the origins of life on Earth. This collection of photographs, sculptures and installations takes us back to the Precambrian era, when photosynthesis first occurred in the oceans. The central theme of the piece is chlorophyll, its sensitivity to light and the visualisation of the energy that gave rise to the first living cell and ultimately to everything that surrounds us.
Zachęta Project RoomZPR
photo gallery
Performance on the anniversary of the death of Gabriel Narutowiczphoto gallery
Performance Amuseum Artyrologii: nie:wiadomość 013113 (nie)powtórzę(nie)photo gallery
Malewicz's Warsaw GreenSqua(Re)Tour 013photo gallery
photo gallery
photo gallery
Culture and NeuroscienceConference and workshopsphoto gallery
Workshop accompanying the exhibition "Adoration of Sweetness"photo gallery
Workshops with artists Przemysłam Mateckiphoto gallery
Anette MessagerOn Show (Faire parade)photo gallery
The Field of Play / Le terrain de jeu