Maja (born 1997) is an actress, dancer and artist with Down syndrome, endowed with extraordinary creativity and a strong need for independence. She paints pictures, dances Zumba, writes poetry, and cooks wonderfully. She is discovering the joy of playing the saxophone. She has been an actress of Teatr 21 since 2006. Life motto: It is possible.
In 2018–2021 took part in: Jérôme Bel’s „Gala” performance presented at the Body and Mind festival in Warsaw; “Dance and disability: crossing borders” lab in Bytom, organised by the Institute of Music and Dance and the British Council; Survival Strategies project at Theatre 21 and the Centre of Inclusive Art; Kasia Kurzawska's My Way music video directed by Kuba Zarzycki. Since 2006 she has been working on theatre projects with Theatre 21 and has been part of numerous performances, such as Constitution for the Choir of Poles by Marta Górnicka at Nowy Teatr in Warsaw or Body to body with Marylin online performative lecture organised by Berlin’s Sophiensaele.
I Have the Right video is a manifesto of femininity, protest against stereotypical perception of people with Down syndrome. A call for freedom and respect.
Warpechowski. The Way of the Performerfilms
To Pee in a Bun – what happens to the collection, when no one is lookingZachęta TVfilms
All Creatures Great and SmallZachęta TV (in Polish)films
Zbigniew Liberahow not to get lost at the exhibition? (in Polish)films
How to understand Annette Messager?Zachęta TV (in Polish)