Zachęta. September, October 2013
folders / Texts

Publication date: 01.09.2013


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    Everything Was Forever Until It Was No More

    Polish Pavilion at the 55th International Art Exhibition – la Biennale di Venezia
    Konrad Smoleński Everything Was Forever, Until It Was No More

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    These six photographers – the oldest of them born in 1928, the youngest in 1940 – spent most of their professional lives in communist Poland. All of them worked for official presstitles. This exhibition of photographs, however, is an unofficial portrait of those times. The photos do not show government ceremonies, hierarchically framed heads of state or the heroes of propaganda reports. The people presented in the photographs are not at work: they are at leisure, using their time freely.

    Zachęta – National Gallery of ArtZachęta
  • Grafika do wystawy Wojciech Gilewicz. Arcus
    04.09 – 03.11.2013
    Wojciech Gilewicz. Arcus

    The exhibition presents films created by Wojciech Gilewicz in recent years during his travels to Asia and the United States. Showing painting and performative interventions in urban space, sometimes in nature, the films are not so much documentations of artistic actions as autonomous impressions though, paradoxically, of a very well thought-out structure and composition.

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  • Grafika do wystawy In God We Trust
    06.09 – 11.11.2013
    In God We Trust

    The exhibition focuses purely on the exploration of the variety of religious beliefs and practices of which the United States is composed.

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    VIEWS 2013
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    Zachęta – National Gallery of ArtZachęta
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    Although Romai people live among us, there are a lot of issues that divide us. Most of all, it is our perception of the mentioned ethnically-foreign co-inhabitants. The exhibition presents, among others, the collection of clichѐ representations: etchings, photographs and paintings (from 19th to 20th century), which reflect stereotypical image of the Roma in Polish art.

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