26.05 – 23.07.19521st National Exhibition of Interior Design and Decorative Art
The organisation of this exhibition (Ogólnopolska Wystawa Architektury Wnętrz, hereafter OWAW) — as well as the subsequent three editions of the National Art Exhibitions (starting in 1950) and the Universal Exhibition of Architecture in 1953 (n.b. almost all of them took place at Zachęta) — was a manifestation of the centralism typical of the Stalinist organisation of artistic life in Poland.
Zachęta Central Bureau of Art Exhibitions (CBWA)CBWA
Janicka & Wilczyk. Other CityCatalogue of the exhibitionbooks
Views 2013 – Deutsche Bank Foundation AwardCatalogue of the exhibitionbooks
Romano kher. On Roma art, aesthetics and experienceBook (in Polish)books
Impossible ObjectsCatalogue of the exhibitionbooks
Taking care of the collectionBook (in Polish)books
Henryk TomaszewskiThe bookbooks
Magdalena Więcek. Affecting the eyeExhibition catalogue (in Polish)books