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music: GMaks - The Arrival - Perfect Miracle Day 4
photographs: Joanna Kinowska
realization: Adam Byra
Publication date: 01.01.2012
Recording from the Children’s Day during which the screening of movies made with stop - motion technique by children and adults had place. The movies was made during the project Let’s share Art! realized at Zacheta as a part of programme of Orange Academy.
Let’s share Art!47 Cars and a Dog. Animated movie for kidsanimations
Let’s share Art!abc123. Animated movie for kidsanimations
Let’s share Art!The Enormity of World. Animated movie for kidsanimations
Let’s share Arts!The Field for Imagination. Animated movie for kidsanimations
Let’s share Art!Gone with the Coat. The animated movie for kidsanimations
Let’s share Art!Suuch a Gallery Invites Me. Animated movie for kidsanimations
Let’s share Art!Documentation of the workshopsanimations
Let’s share Art!Feed the Heavenly Birds. The animated movie for kidsanimations
Let’s share Art!The Coat. Animated movie for kidsanimations
Let’s share Art!From the Other Side. Animated movie