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realization: LabArt Ewa Róża Fabjanowska
Publication date: 18.06.2019
18.06 – 25.08.2019Red Floods the FrameKazimierz Urbański
An experimenter in the field of cinematographic techniques and a film education pioneer, originator and founder of the Film Drawing Studio at the Academy of Fine Arts in Kraków (1957–1972) — the first such institution in the world offering education in animation at a higher artistic school.
Zachęta – National Gallery of ArtZachęta
The Splendor of Textilesvideo-documentation
Mother Earth Sister Moonvideo-documentation
Progress and Hygienevideo-documentation
Three WomenMaria Pinińska-Bereś, Natalia Lach-Lachowicz, Ewa Partumvideo-documentation
Rafał Milach7 Roomsvideo-documentation
Bodily Choreographyvideo-documentation
EmotikonRobert Rumas & Piotr Wyrzykowskivideo-documentation
Goshka MacugaUntitledvideo-documentation
Stories of the Earvideo-documentation
No, No I Hardly Ever Miss the Show