Money to burn

graphic design: Witek Orski i Kaja Kusztra

Publication date: 28.08.2016


Powiązana wystawa

  • Grafika do wystawy Money to Burn
    27.08 – 23.10.2016
    Money to Burn

    The exhibition comprises many parallel stories and anecdotes: from historical references and recontextualisations of stereotypes and symbols, through analyses of the Polish fantasies and notions of wealth, to a critique of the market and personal narratives. Transformation-era clichés or experiences of the 2007 economic crisis mingle here with the manifestation of the joy of possession, fascination with luxury or the beauty of expensive items, as well as reflections on the real and symbolic value of works of art (which have invariably been considered as luxury goods).

    Zachęta – National Gallery of ArtZachęta
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