
Publication date: 11.04.2018


Powiązana wystawa

  • Grafika do wystawy Anna Panek, Won Seoung Won.
    17.03 – 20.05.2018
    Anna Panek, Won Seoung Won.
    Unexpected encounter

    Work on the Unexpected Encounter exhibition started with a meeting. Kko-Kka Lee, a curator from Seoul, who was in Warsaw on a research, gave Magda Kardasz, curator of the Zachęta Project Room, a presentation of her favourite artists from Korea. In turn, Magda presented them to Anna Panek, a Warsaw artist with whom she had been planning an exhibition for some time. The artist liked the idea of establishing a dialogue with another artist, and she chose Won Seoung Won, who also agreed to take up the challenge. This was the story behind the ‘unexpected encounter’ of two fully fledged artists from distant cultures.

    Zachęta Project RoomZPR

Powiązane wydarzenie

  • Grafika wydarzenia: Guided tour through the exhibitions "Unexpected encounter" (in Polish) and a film screening of korean movie „SA-DO/TRON”
    11.04.2018 (Wed) 18:00
    Guided tour through the exhibitions "Unexpected encounter" (in Polish) and a film screening of korean movie „SA-DO/TRON”
    Zachęta Project RoomZPR
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