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realization: LabArt Ewa Róża Fabjanowska
Publication date: 20.08.2016
Video documentation of the exhibition Alicja Dobrucka. I like you, I like you a lot and others
20.08 – 16.10.2016Alicja DobruckaI like you, I like you a lot and others
The exhibition I like you, I like you a lot is the artist’s first solo show in Warsaw. The photographer, born in Kowary, has been living and working in London for many years. In her work one will find both her Polish and cosmopolitan experiences (some series of photographs were taken in Albania, Canada, Germany, Palestine, India). At the exhibition in the Zachęta Project Room Dobrucka shows two series of photos. The first one — I like you, I like you a lot — is a very personal project, started in 2008. It was conceived as a reflection of a family tragedy — the loss of a thirteen year old brother Maks, who drowned during a scouting trip.
Zachęta Project RoomZPR
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