Mountain Above, Fire Below

Henryk Waniek

  • type of object: painting
  • date: 1987
  • material/technique: oil on canvas
  • dimensions: 50 x 65 cm
  • inventory No.: M-464
  • image licensed under: CC BY-SA

The work perfectly demonstrates the artist’s typical way of depicting nature transformed by his imagination. It also contains numerous concepts and treatments with which the author was fascinated since the beginning of his career. The idea of duality resounds here, visible in the mirror reflections and repetitions of a given motif, which one would look for in vain in a realistic landscape in the form and scale the painter adopted. The fantastic landscape is divided into two parts. Despite the individualisation of details in both of them, such as trees and rocks, the picture overall is organised by the axis of symmetry marked by the beam of light emerging upward from the central part of the composition. The rock formations take on anthropomorphic traits, becoming human busts in profile. The fire, clouds and the contrasting lights and colours heighten the apocalyptic atmosphere of the painting.

Michał Jachuła

translated by Paulina Bożek

Image published as part of the Operational Programme Digital Poland: Open Zachęta financed by European Funds

Other works by artist in the Zachęta collection

  • Zdjęcie pracy Mountains
    MountainsHenryk Waniek1974
  • Zdjęcie pracy Visiting Anubis
    Visiting AnubisHenryk Waniek1984
  • Zdjęcie pracy Better Way, Worse Way
    Better Way, Worse WayHenryk Waniek1971

Other works from this category

  • Zdjęcie pracy Rapprochement
    RapprochementJacek Ziemiński1997
  • Zdjęcie pracy Hot World
    Hot WorldJerzy Tchórzewski1975
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