Roman Stańczak


Artist's works in the Zachęta collection

  • Zdjęcie pracy Flight
    FlightRoman Stańczak2020
  • Zdjęcie pracy Flight
    FlightRoman Stańczak2020
  • Zdjęcie pracy Flight
    FlightRoman Stańczak2020
  • Zdjęcie pracy Flight
    FlightRoman Stańczak2020
  • Zdjęcie pracy Flight
    FlightRoman Stańczak2020
  • Zdjęcie pracy Flight
    FlightRoman Stańczak2020
  • Zdjęcie pracy Flight
    FlightRoman Stańczak2018
  • 28.04 – 03.07.2022
    ‘ ’ Flight
    Roman Stańczak

    Roman Stańczak’s sculpture is a real aircraft, turned inside out, so that its interior — elements of the cockpit, on-board equipment and passenger seats — becomes visible on the outside, while the wings and fuselage are inside. The artist applied the same strategy of turning things inside out in his works from the Misquic series (in the first half of the 1990s) to everyday objects: a kettle, a bathtub or a wall unit. These works were interpreted in the context of the brutal economic transformation in Poland. Three decades later, the inside-out private luxury aircraft becomes a symbol of global economic inequalities.

    Zachęta – National Gallery of ArtZachęta
  • 21.05.2022 (Sat) 12:30
    Zachęta Signs!
    Guided tour in Polish Sign Language
    Zachęta – National Gallery of ArtZachęta
  • 21.05.2022 (Sat) 16:00
    Zachęta Signs!
    Guided tour in Polish Sign Language
    Zachęta – National Gallery of ArtZachęta
  • 24.06.2022 (Fri) 12:15
    Looking/Seeing. Contemporary art and the seniors
    (in polish)
    Zachęta – National Gallery of ArtZachęta